(15) "The Fallout"

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"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

Songs for this chapter

1. Dark Paradise - Lana Del Rey

2. X and Y - Coldplay


 A few days have passed and things seems to have gone pretty much normal, except for Brad and Tristan. It's already hard that they have to move on from what happened, what makes things worst is that they have to act normally.

 Tris asked Brad a couple of times why is he acting weird but found himself doing the same thing whenever the curly haired boy is around.

 Today, the whole group will hang out at Victoria's house for an overnight study session. Or as Tris and Brad calls it "Sex at a friend's house session". But this time it's no joke, their mid year exams are coming and they both have to pass if they wanna graduate. And because of that, they had to leave Tricia and Alexis out of their plan.

 Tristan, Victoria, Connor, James, Hazel, Caleb and Brad all gathered around a circle. "Ready to get serious boys?" Victoria asked.

 "Yes" Brad said followed by the unsure agreement of everyone else.

 The thing is, Tristan cannot concentrate. Whenever he tries to, the events from that night just keeps coming back. The way that the moonlight hits Brad's face as he smiles at him, their pale bodies grinding up on each other. Tris holding Brad's hands above his head to prevent him from protesting. They are all back, the one single night he's trying to forget is still in his mind. His heart started beating faster as he started beating heavier. It became too heavy that he's having a hard time breathing. Tristan stood up and quickly walked to the kitchen. Much to the surprise of his friends.

 "Why are you like this Tristan?" he asked himself as he drinks a glass of water.

 "Is everything alright?" he turned around and saw a worried Victoria standing just a few feet away from him.

 "I'm fine" Tris answered and tried his best to smile at her. 

 "You're not. Something's bothering you. And if my observation is right, Brad had something to do with it"

 Tristan became nervous again , "What do you mean?" he asked with his shaky voice.

 "You've been avoiding Brad for the past few days, you're always with Connor and not with him. He's trying to avoid you too but he's quite obvious at it. Tell me what happened?"

 "What? Victoria we're good. Nothing to worry"

 "Promise? I don't want the two of you to drift apart"

 "We're not" Tris lied and then went back to their friends. The next few hours continued just like that, Tris cannot concentrate while Brad made ignoring Tristan look easy.

 At around 2:00 am they all decided to settle in for the night as they have to wake up by 7:00 am to go to school.


 Brad opened his eyes and saw his own room. "Now how did you get here?" he asked himself but due to his tiredness, he just concluded it as him forgetting he drove himself home. He shifted to his side position only to see Tristan sleeping peacefully. He got startled and so he sat up right away, waking up his best friend by doing so.

 "How did you get here?" Brad asked. Tristan just looked at him confused.

 "Are you alright? Don't you remember we went home together"

 "But how is that?" Brad stood up, shocked to realize that he can't remember what Tris is saying. He's sure he didn't take Tris home. How could he? he's trying to avoid him.

 "It's alright" Tris replied and pulled Brad back to bed.

 "Are you trying to void me?"

 "No .. why?" Brad lied.

 "Because I think you do" Tris replied and kissed Brad on the lips. Brads eyes widened and pushed Tris away. "What the hell man?!" he asked.

 "I was wrong when I said that it will never happen again. You're always on my mind Brad" Tris uttered and kissed him once again. This time he cannot protest, for Tris is holding both of his hands firmly to the side.

 Tris started kissing Brad, this time it felt too good to resist.  Brad can feel it once again, only Tris can give him that.

 "Stop" Brad whispered, but Tristan laid him down.

 "Why would I? I know you like it" the blonde haired boy whispered in his ears. Tris removed Brad's shirt and started kissing him all over.

 "This time no one will call us" he added. Brad started to become nervous. If anyone doesn't call, it means they're gonna have sex. And he's nowhere near ready for that.

 "Stop!" he yelled. That's when everything went black and Victoria's living room came to his view once again. He looked for Tristan and he's peacefully sleeping on the couch. Thank God it's just a dream.


 School isn't easy for Tristan. He cannot concentrate or focus at all. As much as he wanna stay away from Brad to clear his head he knows he couldn't. Everyone will become suspicious of his actions and the truth may come out.

 Later on that night, Tristan decided to go out for a night walk and to look at the stars. That's one of his personal hobbies. He loves to look at the night sky because it makes him feel hopeful and calm. Plus he enjoys seeing stars as he refers to them as his 'dead loved ones'.

 He walked past this snazzy new adult bar called 'Euphoria' and saw a familiar face. Standing right at the corner getting cozy with a guy is Brett Sumner. The actual Brett Sumner that he's rival with. "Holy shit" that's all he can say. It's already bad that he's doubting his sexuality, now he finds out that his rival could be gay or bisexual?. "What the actual fuck?" he thought to himself as he decided to just run home.


hey surprise :))) another update!! x what do you think? please vote and comment :D . So yes, they are starting to drift apart because of that night. But the more they try to avoid their feelings the more it becomes intense. Brad even dreamed of them together WTF? right. What do you think will happen next?

 And so yes your questions about Brett is now answered. I think we all know now what he'll do.

Fair warning:

 Be ready for the next chapter.


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