(18) "Upside Down"

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 Two days have passed, Brad doesn't still know how to tell it to anyone else. Sure there was a couple of times that he had unprotected sex with Alexis , but he's pretty sure that the last time he did it with her he was wearing a condom. How the hell did she get pregnant?

 "Are you sure?" Brad asked Alexis and she nodded. To be honest, he don't know what to do. His problems with his own sexuality and odd awkwardness with Tris aren't solved yet and now she told him they're having a baby?. What the actual fuck?

 Brad spent the past two days waiting for the right time to tell his parents the possibility that he's the father of Alexis's baby. Knowing her nature, he could not be her baby daddy. But it's better to be sure than sorry.

 If only Tristan's here, he could tell him everything and he will surely understand. But what did he do?  He pushed him out of his life when all Tris ever wanted is for them to accept the changes and try to move on from what happened. "You're stupid" Brad whispered to himself as tears started pouring out of his eyes.

 He's young, 17 and reckless. Who would have thought that in a matter of weeks, everything he thought he knew about himself changed just like that?.


 Tristan spent the past two days talking to his friends and asking them how Brad is since he hasn't gone to school during those period of time. "Is he alright?" he asked Connor but when he couldn't answer, he tried to ask Victoria who told him that she doesn't know if he's okay.

 "Maybe he's sick. Now Tristan I just don't understand the two of you, why don't you guys just tell me what happened?. Why are the two of you acting like this? Why don't you just go to his place and see for yourself?"

 "We're not exactly on speaking terms Victoria" the blonde haired lad replied as he looked down on the floor.

"Fine, but this will be the last time Tris. I'll ask him if he's alright"

"Thank you" Tristan replied and smiled at her. The two then started walking towards the next class. "How is Brett? Why are you two suddenly friends?" Victoria asked. Tris felt a little lump on his throat as his heart started beating a little faster.

 "He's a kind person" he replied and then smiled at his seemingly not convince friend.

  "A kind person? Are you kidding?. I can still clearly remember what you said about him just a couple of weeks ago. 'I hope he gets by a truck', those 7 words are now permanently glued in my mind" Victoria told Tristan who just laughed it off. 

 "That was then, things have changed" he replied.

 "But you're not capable of change"

 "Wow Victoria. Just wow" he uttered as soon as they got inside the room. Tristan's now more worried as ever. As much as he wanna go to Brad's house and check on him he knows he can't. He pushed him away, he doesn't want him anymore. And Tristan is  not the type of person to fight for a place in someone's life. If they don't want him, he'll leave. It's as simple as that.

As for what he and Brett have, he doesn't genuinely know. To be quite honest, Tristan himself is surprised that the two of them can get along very well.  He would be such a hypocrite if he'd say that he didn't enjoyed Brett's company.

 He was able to show him a different side of him and he liked it. Plus, he seems to have gotten through the same things as Tristan which makes him much more relate-able since he's always able to give him a piece of advice. Something that Brad can rarely do, being the younger than him.

  But at the same time, he still misses Brad. And deep inside he knows that what happened to them isn't anyone's fault. Tris looked online the other night and found similar cases where two guy best friends end up falling for each other. But that didn't made him feel better though, it just validated his suspicion that he's in fact bisexual.

 But aside from that, Tristan just misses his best buddy. Tristan's missing Brad.


It was almost 8:00 pm when Victoria knocked on the door of the Simpson's residence, Mrs. Simpson is the one who opened the door for her. "Hello, is Bradley there?" Victoria asked as the house matriarch let her in. "Bradley! Victoria's here!" his Mum yelled and told Victoria to sit on the couch and wait for him to come out.

 As soon as he did, she noticed something strange. Brad is wearing shades, inside the house ... at night.

 "What the hell is that for?" she asked

 "My eyes hurt"

 "From what? Have you been crying?"

 "Ssshhh" Brad then grabbed Victoria's hand and lead her to the room upstairs. Victoria tried her best to conceal her emotions since she still has a crush on him. But from the looks from his face, she knows this is serious.

 "Why haven't you gone to school in the past two days ... well three including this morning, are you sick?"

 "I'm not"

 "Then why?"

 "Please lower down your voice. They don't know I am skipping school"

 "Then where do you go during those 8 hours?"

 "Around town, I need time and place to think"

 "Is this about Tristan? Because he's totally worried about you"

 "He is?"

 "Yeah. He's worried sick, what actually happened to the two of you?"

 "It's nothing"

 "It's clearly not 'nothing', you two look like a couple who had just broken up."

 "This has nothing to do with him"

 "Then what's the reason for all of this?"

 "Alexis is pregnant and I think I might be the father"

 "Holy Shit"


That's it for this part guys ^^ what do you think? please vote and comment. What would you think will happen once the baby news gets out? how will it affect Tristan and Brad's friendship? Is there a chance for them to make up? stay tuned for the coming last 7 chapters or so. :)



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