(19) "All For You"

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Two more days have passed and still nothing changed, not a single word from Brad. Tristan asked Victoria what happened on her visit, she just told he's still sick. But due to Alexis also being absent from school, Tris's suspicions grew bigger.

 "Are you sure about that?" Tristan asked Victoria and she just nodded. He wants to believe her, but something is really off and he must find out about it.

 "Do you think she's lying?" Brett asked as the two are getting dressed after a shower. "Yes but I'm sure there's a good reason behind this. I need to know that" the blonde haired lad replied.

 "What about Tricia? Isn't she asking about Brad?"

 "She is but I think she likes what's happening. This is the longest time Brad and I have went on without talking to each other. Do you know she's jealous of him?"

 "She is?"

 "Yeah" Tristan answered as he puts the wet towel back to his locker. The two then got to the hallway and started walking towards their next class. Tristan is still getting used to this new arrangement with Brett. He misses his friend so much, but he knows that if he hangs out with them he has to be prepared for all the questions he'll have to face about his rift with Brad.  

 Tristan is still torn apart though, he's trying his best to shut off his bisexuality concerns and just focus on Tricia but he can't. For some reason, Brad and that night had left a permanent mark in his mind. Making him want to do it again.

 He knows he's being unfair though, not only to Tricia and his friends but also to himself. He can't accept the fact that changes like this truly happens and he can't do anything with it. As much as he wants to embrace it he just can't since he's worried about what the whole world will say. How much scrutiny he and Brad will get once the people find out about what happened and is happening to them.

 Tristan spent the night before thinking whether he should break up with Tricia or not. For now, he's sure he wants to be with her. There's nothing that can make him feel better than that.


 "You're gonna be a Dad" Those five words kept on echoing inside Brad's mind. Although Victoria reminded him that there's a chance he might not be it, it still didn't made him feel any better. If only Tristan's here he'll be able to think of the right words to say. Brad knows he'll be able to comfort him. 

 The curly haired lad was scrolling through his contacts to see who he can talk to."Victoria? I just did, last night. James or Connor? Both can't help, they don't know shit." Looking at all of these names in the list made Brad realize one thing; He was never that close to any of them. Sure, he's always been surrounded by a lot of people. Been called 'life of the party' and a lot of other things that is similar to that but that's just it. He have acquaintances, friends .. but he's basically nothing without my Tristan.

 Brad took a deep breath as Tris's name popped up on his phone screen. Just one tap and he can talk to him. "Just one tap, you can do it" he whispered to himself. he pressed the green phone logo ad so the call started to be on process. He listened as his best friend's phone started ringing.

 Suddenly, his Mum called him that's why he abruptly ended the call and ran downstairs.

 "What is it?" she asked, quite nervous that maybe they have found out about Alexis. or Alexis's parents talk to them.

 "Why didn't you tell me that tomorrow night is your senior's dance?" she asked. "Shit" Brad thought to himself. It slipped off of his mind.

 "I forgot I'm sorry" he replied.

 "Then come down here" she replied. Brad quickly went downstairs as his mother gave him the money to buy a suit. "Are you taking Alexis with you?" she and so he just nodded. Brad's Mother then gave him more money to "take her out for a nice dinner".

 "Thank you" that's all Brad said and once again, retreated back to his room. He checked his phone and saw a message from Tristan.

 "Shit" he uttered and looked at his message. "hey what's up?" that's what the text says. Brad thinks it's a good thing, maybe Tris is not mad at him.

 He can't go on like this, and so he have decided that it's time to make up with Tristan. He still doesn't accept the huge chance of him being not straight, he only wants Tristan to be there for him again. He only wants him back in his life.

 Brad grabbed his keys and headed to go Tristan's house.


 "Weird" Tristan said while looking at his phone. He missed a call from Brad and so he texted him, asking 'what's up?' but he did not reply.

 "Hey man, football is on!"  Brett yelled from the living room. "Alright!" Tristan answered and then walked back to the living room, carrying  a huge bowl of buttered popcorn. Tris's Mum and Dad have a date night this evening while his sibling is scheduled to spend the night at their cousin's place, that's why Tris have the house all to himself.

 Tristan tried to invite Tricia over for a little 'Netflix and chill' but she was out of town with her mother, probably buying a gown for tomorrow's senior's dance. He tried to text his other friends but they're all busy. Connor even suggested that he should spend the night at Brad's place to talk about what's happening but he declined. Saying that Bradley might be busy as well.

 So he was left with no choice but Brett, who apparently got his suit already two days ago.

 "What took you so long?" Brett asked.

 "I waited for a reply from Brad"

 "You texted him? That's good"

 "He called me but I wasn't able to answer it and so I texted him but he did not reply"

 "Maybe he got busy"

 "Maybe" Tristan replied. The game went on and the two new buddies watched for about half an hour before Brett commented on how 'serious' he is while watching.

 "You are too"

 "No I'm not" Brett replied and poked Tristan's chest. "Stop it" he said while smiling at him. Brett did it once again and so Tristan pushed him. Brett was able to hang on to him that's why Tristan fell also. The two ended up in the floor with Brett on top of Tris.

 The game is still going on but it seems that the two of them had zoned out.

 Tristan's heart is beating fast, and for the first time since Brad's incident .. he's convinced that he might be something else. Brett leaned in and the two kissed.

His heart started to beat fast but at the same time he's starting to become more comfortable with it. To Tristan's surprise, he found himself kissing Brett back.

 The two continued to make out on the floor, while a visibly upset Brad is looking at them through the window.


That's it for this part guys :) what do you think? do you still like Brett ? please vote and let me know :)) x

sorry it's a bit of a bore but I intend to keep all the good parts on the next chapter . Stay tuned ^^





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