(13) "Birthday" (Mid-Book Finale)

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 The day Tristan's been waiting for all his life has finally came, he's officially 18 which means he's legal. Tristan Evans can now legally do anything he wants. Everything is set, as far as he knows. He got the house all by himself , the moment he woke up he saw a gift on the doorway. It's from his whole family.

 "We're still trying our best not to come in and greet you inside so we're gonna wait 'till lunch to do that. You're gonna have a party later tonight for sure that's why. For now, here's our gift" that's what the note says. He looked under the note and saw a credit card. He's genuinely surprised, his father told him before that he will only get a credit card as a birthday gift when he feels like he's responsible enough. And now that it happened, it's a proof that his parents trust him.

 That's also the time when his phone started going crazy, he ran upstairs only to see more than a dozen of messages and a few missed calls. "Really?Already?" he asked as he scrolled through them. Some of the messages and calls are from the girls he slept with. For some reason, he's gone a bit upset to see that neither Tricia or Brad had greeted him.

 He expected that they will, but from the looks of it ... it's either they are asleep or have acquired selective amnesia, where his birthday is the only thing they have forgotten.

 Good thing that it's Saturday, or else he'll have to face 8 hours of being teased and greeted around school. The last thing he wants right now is to draw unnecessary attention. He made that sure by making his own birthday party "Strictly for friends only". Each guest is allowed to bring a plus one, but must tell it to him at least a day before so he could confirm whether he/she could join. Fortunately, no one had texted him yet. Which means, the original plan is still running good.

 "40-60 people ... that's not gonna tear the house down" he thought to himself as he looked around the now partly-decorated living room.

His doorbell then started ringing, he answered to it only to find Tricia on the other side. "Happy birthday babe!" she greeted as she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He kissed her back , the couple couldn't care less about the fact that some neighbors are walking by and can see them.  Tongue and all, their kiss lasted for almost a minute. That is before, she suddenly remembered the give she's about to give him.

 "Don't worry it's not birthday sex, since I know you and I are gonna do that later tonight. I just got you these" Tricia uttered and showed Tristan two tickets to the concert of the band The Killers. One of his absolute favorites.

 "Thank you!" Tris said happily and then hugged Tricia as tight as he could.

 "But why would you give me this? You don't like their music?"

  "So you could take Brad with you"

  "Why him?"

 "I figured I should do something nice. It's only 6 months 'till graduation babe, you're gonna miss him I know. I've been nothing but bitchy these past few weeks and so I thought why not make a difference and be actually kind this time."

 "I have changed you that much?" the blonde haired boy asked in amazement.

 "I guess so" she replied and kissed him again.

 "I love you Tricia"

 "I love you too Tristan"


"What should I give him? I mean, it's not like he still doesn't have everything. What do you give to someone who has everything?" I asked Victoria through the phone.

 I got up early and went through several grocery and music instrument stores to search for a perfect gift for him.I even have to avoid Alexis , I saw her jogging near our neighborhood.

Irrevocable || Tradley AU ( Brad Simpson x Tristan Evans Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora