(4) "I'm Not Gonna Lose You"

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The next morning, as soon as Brad got out of his room and came down the stairs he already saw Tristan sitting on the couch. "Why are you here?" he asked right away, surprised as to what the hell he's doing here this early.

 "I felt bad about last night, I should be by your side helping you cope with all of this" he whispered as he looked around.

 "That is so gay bro" Brad uttered and the two boys exchanged laughs, "no seriously what the hell are you doing here at 6:00 am?" he then asked.

 "Your Dad called me and said that we should go to school together"

 "He thinks we're still in third grade. Nice" Brad replied and then shrugged.

 "I think he's worried"

 "What makes you think of that, Tris?"

 "The way his voice sounded last night, he's so worried about you Brad"

 Brad then closed his eyes and placed both of his hands at the back of his head. If they are worried about him, why would they still keep on fighting?. That's the main question that he cannot answer, at all.

 "I'm gonna help you with everything you need man, don't worry"

 "Thanks Tris"


  Tris is genuinely worried for his best friend. At the same time he feels like it's his duty to be there for him, since Brad did the same thing four years ago. Actually, Tristan's situation back then is much worse. Like a 'life and death situation' kind of worse.

 Tristan Evans has Severe Depression , a medical condition he's been fighting for years. It's something he doesn't want people to know, if he could hide it forever he knows he would. And at some point, he realized Brad was his anchor. Nothing in the world ever mattered but him, their friendship is the only permanent thing in the world. That's how Tristan sees it. And he'll be forever grateful that Brad came along.

 Tristan and Brad are pretty much the same person when it comes to their interests, that's why they clicked so fast. That's why they became so connected to each other.

 "Did you do your homework?" Tristan asked Brad while they're walking towards the classroom.

 "Shit! No! Did you do yours?" Brad asked, Tristan just sighed and brought his notebook. "Here, you still have 10 minutes before Ms. SassySweatPants comes and straddle you"he said to the curly haired boy. Brad grabbed the notebook and then ran to the restroom.

 "Tristan?" he turned around and saw Victoria walking towards him.

 "Where's that going?" she asked.

 "He forgot his homework so he's copying mine" Tristan replied.

 "Some things never change" Victoria answered and they just both laughed. Tristan turned his head from side to side and smiled at the thought.


 Later on that night, Brad and Tristan drove near the cliff to hang out. It's their usual place, unfortunately for them, their other friends won't make it because of personal reasons. "So, a few months from now and it's graduation. Where do you think you're headed?". Brad asked Tris.

 "I am thinking of going to Walden , or Oxford. You?"

 "I still don't know man. I wanna move to New York to be honest"

 "New York?" Tristan asked.

 "Yeah. Or London. I don't know. I just wanna get away from here"

 "This place will always be your home Brad, you can never get away from this. And besides, you are smart. You'll get to into any university you want to. You like Manchester right?"

 "Manchester United, the team Tristan. THE TEAM"

 "Don't down yourself now man, don't ever do that. I want you to go to a place near mine, so we can still see each other" Brad smiled because of what he said. To be honest, he has a plan. But he's scared, he is scared of all the changes that would come once they finish the school year.

 "Do you really mean that?" Brad asked.

 "Of course man, unless you don't wanna see me anymore"

 "Of curse I do. I have few friends, I don't wanna lose you"

 "You're not gonna lose me Brad, and I'm not gonna lose you"

  "Thank You Tris"

 "Look Brad, i want you to promise something"

 "What is it?"

 "I want you to do your best for yourself. Not for your parents, not for Alexis , not for Victoria or anyone else. Put yourself at the top of your priority list, even just for once, okay?"


 "All your life, you put yourself behind. Sure you may put that "happy go lucky I'll fuck them bitches" front, but I can see through that. I don't want you to be sad, I don't want you to be like me"

 "Okay" Brad replied and then smiled at Tristan. A few minutes after, they drove away because the rain finally started falling.


Irrevocable || Tradley AU ( Brad Simpson x Tristan Evans Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt