Chapter 30

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Next morning when Thyme woke up, he introduce to a hangover for the first time since it was the first time he ever got drunk to the point he just wanted to forget the existence of his mate. The Alpha felt like his head hit by a truck but suddenly he freakout finding himself in to his bedroom, neatly tucked under the comforter. Oh fuck Thyme began to wonder how did he reached inside his bedroom because the Alpha drowned himself so much in the alco.hol that he lost all his memories about his last night encounter with his parents and all the things he blurted out. Thyme doesn't care about anything other than what if his parents saw him drunk and his image of a good boy will be ruined badly. Though both his parents are cool and opened minded but they will surely not like to see their son drunk and all. Thyme tried to collect his last night memories but he really couldn't remember anything and only felt awful and horrible about his current miserable life. It's all because of his Omega brat. Why the hell Kevin has to make it so serious, he was pissed that day hearing Kevin going to do stay over and in the heat of the moment he blurted out which he really didn't mean in a serious way. Thyme once again get inside the cover hiding himself, not yet ready to face anyone so early. He really hate his current situation. Kevin started to affect him in worse possible way. And before it get alot more worse than this he need to get a hold on his obsession over the brat. Thyme groan in frustration, remembering last night he was so upset like some heart broken that he opted to get wasted and now he's fucking regretting because his head aching so much. Thyme really wish, atleast for once he could get attracted to someone else and leave Kevin for good. Him and Kevin maybe really not meant for each other. Their bond is just a mistake and they can be only toxic with each other. He must stop all this mate and bond bullshit once for all and get over the rejection. He doesn't need this cause, his parents doesn't deserve this. And his fated mate well, he can continue being a brat to everyone because Thyme Guntituthon is all done giving his damn attention to him. The Alpha better try to get attract to someone else. Whoever. Anyone. Just not Kevin. He wants to enjoy life, want to fuck and feel cared which Kevin isn't ready to give him. That brat has already declared loud and clear that he doesn't want him anymore neither they are fucking each other. Never in a million years.

Thyme really need to find a partner for himself, this way it will be easy  for him to get over from Kevin. But other than that brat he doesn't know what his type is? and where he can start searching for an ideal partner because all his life he only paid attention to his brat only and never really liked anyone else. Thyme surely need to find someone who can capture his attention sooner than later. Maybe his brother can help him and hiding himself under the comforter won't help him get any where near to finding his future lover. Thyme threw his comforter away and straight walk into his bathroom. The Alpha showered, got ready then walk downstairs to take his breakfast. He was determine to talk to his brother Tim right after the breakfast. He doesn't wanted to waste anymore time on Kevin. But as soon as Thyme reached downstairs  he observe his parents, both Tine and Sarawat looks happy and flirting with each other. There wasn't  any tensed  energy causing Thyme to sigh out in relief knowing everything seems normal. He made his way towards the dinning table after greeting good morning to his parents, Thyme took his seat asking about his evil sister "Where's  Si?". Tine smiled answering "She's staying over at her friend's farmhouse.... She will reach back home by afternoon". At the same time Tim walk down the stairs to join everyone. But soon enough Thyme and both parents observe the other Alpha smelling strange and before anyone could ask anything Tim announced "Dad Mom I've something very important to tell you. I hope you both will understand". Thyme deeply frown while Sarawat and Tine just looked at their second son giving their full attention. Sarawat asked curiously to  Tim after glancing at his wife "What is it, son?". Tim started "As you might know I'm eighteen now. I have decided to move out. I want to move out, study abroad, live in different places and meet new people". Thyme awkwardly chukled as if Tim had said some joke. He shook his head and rejected the idea on the spot "You can't leave just like that in the middle of the year. What about me and Si. We have always been staying together under one roof. I don't think Mom and Dad will allow you to move out just because you're eighteen now". Tim sounded annoyed as he replied to his brother "I didn't ask you. Let Mom and Dad decide". Then the little Alpha transfer his attention to his parents who were speechless again. They are definitely getting stroke very soon with the number of shock after shock both parents are getting with their Alpha boys. They yet to find the solution  to Thyme's  problem now their second son want to leave them and move out. Though Tim is not dominant in nature but he never really cared about it either. The boy always stayed aloof most of the time minding his own business. He seems to be happy and content living in his own world as if everything planned and doesn't really care about stupid stuff. So no one really see this coming. When both parents stayed quiet Tim softly tried to convinced his parents "Mom Dad I've been thinking about this alot. I ..needed my space. I want try living alone...want to go and live my life just being Tim, without the Guntituthon surname for a while. I've planned everything and already arranged couple of  stuffs. So you don't have to worry about it. Trust me I'll take care of myself and when I'll feel it's enough. I'll come back straight to you guys".

HOM Thyme - KevinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant