Chapter 37

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It was an extreme se.x club Lea repeat dragging Thyme deeper inside "Let's go, I told you I'll take care of you". Thyme was still speechless he look around himself most of the people were nak.ed, literally fucking each other, some were also having gang. bang just his ten steps away. There were also dancers, stripper on the stage, and so many stuff were going on before Thyme eyes that he can't describe. It was so fucking.... fucking cool. Thyme doesn't realized but at one point Lea pull the teenage Alpha at one couch while Vincent, Rex and Joe being a regular went to greet other people they know. Suddenly Lea laugh out causing Thyme to look at the Omega almost sitting on his lap. Lea muttered "I can clearly see, you're freaking out. But that's Vincent. He's a cool guy. And he didn't think this one through. You're still innocent. Aren't you?". Thyme shook his head replying "No I'm not. It's just this is the first time I've been to such place". Lea nods in understanding. Thyme takes his eyes away from Lea to look at everything going around him once again.  Thyme was still having difficulty to absorb what he was seeing happening live, tottaly right in front of his eyes. There were so many vulgar things happening in front of hi. that it was hard for him to decide where to put his eyes on. The place smell like complete se.x and it was overwhelming his senses. No matter how much the sight was tempting and made him excited. He couldn't stop thinking about Kevin. What it would be like, if that brat come to such place. Would Kevin let him fuck on one of these couch.

Lea hands once again tried to  advances on Thyme's body, she put her hands inside the teenager Alpha shirt, that causes once again for Thyme to feel uncomfortable and stirred on his seat. He once again tried to get away  asking "Do you need a drink?". Lea answered "Pink gin please". Thyme quickly gets up to bring their drinks but Lea grab Thyme's wrist making him stop from leaving she ask batting her eyelashes "Don't let anyone snatch you on the way. You're my Alpha for tonight". Thyme wanted to say 'Oh no I already belongs to his brat Omega Kevin', but he couldn't and instead only nods and leave the spot as fast as possible. One part of him still wanted to run away because it won't  be fun if his mate wasn't here but he also wanted to stay and experience fun, fucking and how does it feel to belongs to someone who actually wants him back. Thyme hurriedly walk away to go to the bar and gave his order. Before Thyme go back to Lea again  he made up his mind and gave himself a pep talk he pulled out his phone and took a short video of the club to sent it to his two other friend Dew abd Nani in the group chat. There was no way he would keep this to only himself. He would definitely bring his two friends as soon as they will visit him. Thyme again put the phone on silent and went back to Lea. As soon as Thyme took his seat Lea once again take her spot on Thyme's  lap as if she belongs there. After taking a sip from her pink gin Lea murmured slurring "You're very handsome T. You look older but when you talk.. it's very cute. It's a dangerous combination. I wonder why didn't anyone claim you. Are you perhaps waiting for your mate?". Thyme breathout "He doesn want me". Lea immediately frown asking "What?!. Do you have a mate?". Thyme doesn't wanted to talk about it. It will only make him feel more miserable but at the moment he also doesn't wanted to talk about Kevin with some drunk Omega specially when she could be the one replacing Kevin in future. Lea slide down to sit on the couch beside the Alpha boy and waited for his answer. Thyme gulp down his drink and quietly explain "No one like me. Everyone in school thought I'm a big bully. So most of them were afraid to approach me". Lea giggles and leaned on Thyme's body as she ask "so it means you're virgin?". Thyme doesn't wanted to accept it loud but it was the truth though. He gulped down the whole drink from his glass. Lea will find out anyway if ever he get to fuck her so the teenage Alpha nod his head. But the very next second Lea grabs  Thyme's face and before the Alpha could realize what's happening he felt Lea's lips on his. Thyme could only clench his fist before he completely passed out on the same couch.

Next morning when Thyme woke he was inside his bedroom sleeping on his bed. Last thing he remember was Vincent waking him up by smacking his cheek saying "Hey wake up. I can't carry you.  Wake up. I'll drop you back home". Thyme tried to open his eyes as he saw Vincent was shirtless, his hair all disheveled. Thankfully Thyme was able to stand up on his legs and left the place. Unfortunately Thyme Guntituthon was still virgin but he was fucked up big time. This time Thyme  remembers everything about last night. Meeting Vincent and his new friends, talking rudely to his Dad, Going to se.x club. So first thing Thyme did was put his phone to charge then showered. After getting ready he called his grandpa Anshuman. He wish the old man Happy belated birthday and apologise for not calling him yesterday.  Anshuman accepted Thyme's apology saying "It's okay kid, but you're in big trouble". Thyme mumble softly "hmm I know. I'll call mom and Dad". Anshuman grandpa replied "You better do that. Your parents aren't happy at all with your behavior. Tine personally wanted to come and pick you up last night". Thyme promised Mr Anshuman he will fix everything and said I love you before disconnecting the call. Thyme tried to call his dad first but Sarawat phone was showing out of reach causing Thyme to assume that his father must be travelling again for some Business trip. Next Thyme tried to call his mommy which immediately got connected and Thyme heart beat rose in anticipation.

Tine answered coldly "Hello Thyme". Thyme replied softly "Mom"  then both were completely silent for a minute. Thyme sigh and ask " So ..  are you mad at me too?". Tine respond "What do you think?, I would feel after  you pulling that stunt. Are you going to apologise for last night?". Thyme quickly said "I'm  sorry. I was rude to Dad. It won't happen again". Tine sigh hard "You need to apologise to your Dad too. Try calling  him after an hour. He'll reach Malaysia by then. And Now..". That explains that  indeed his father isn't home and travelling. Tine pause then continue "What was going on last night Thyme?".  Thyme suddenly felt anxious as he asked sounding frustrated "Oh god mom. Can't I go out with my friend's. Enjoy my life, have fun like normal teenager could?". Tine answered "You can and that's why we sent you away. So that you can enjoy and have fun. We tried to give you complete freedom". Thyme rolled his eyes asking "..but you and Dad still don't trust me enough?". Tine sigh out "until last night we used to. But frankly we don't trust you anymore. You need to stop meeting Vincent and his friends".  Thyme felt irritation again he grunt back asking "Do you ...don't want me to have fun. You want me to stay home all day long getting bored". Tine shook his head explaining "Nope, we never wished that. But you jump from one stupidity to another. We only want you to stay away from the people who can bring trouble in your life". Thyme sigh out "Mom you're overreacting. I'm a grown up responsible guy and I can handle myself pretty well". Tine pause then stated "Uh huh.... right and that's why you forget to submit your school assignment on time which you were working so hard these past days". Thyme was suddenly silent thinking about the fucked up school assignment he missed the deadline to submit. God how did he forget about it and why his mom has to go and lurk into his school account. Thyme mumble "You're suffocating me? Why don't you guys just let me live in peace?". Tine pause again he sounded like a perfectly controlled mommy "Fine. Live your life Thyme  Guntituthon. You've earned yourself three more months of stay in Win island". And Tine ends the call before Thyme cried out in utter frustration "Fuck ". He was counting weeks to go back home but instead he fucked himself up more. 

It's been a whole week Thyme was feeling bitter about his miserable life after making his parents extremly annoyed. Everyone seems to be upset with him, he really started to think about ending his friendship with Vincent. C'mon how much he know Vincent anyway maybe his parents were right.  He just has to endure the boredom and punishment for few more months but more than loosing Vincent he was feeling bad for loosing the Omega Lea. She could have help him forget Kevin and move on in life because that brat Omega who maybe forget him already is still occupying the larger part of his heart and brain. Thyme put his phone down after stalking Kevin's  social media account and turned to his side in frustration. Thyme felt exhausted wasting so many hours on something he can't  have. He shut his eyes and brain to get some sleep which seems to be impossible for some reason but suddenly his phone started ringing with unknown number. Usually Thyme will skip the call from unknown number but once again he felt, he shouldn't ignore this one call and answer it and so he did after sitting up straight. Thyme answered the call asking "Yes, who's this?". In respond his brat Omeg Kevin responded "Thyme, this is Kevin". The cell phone immediately slip out from Thyme's grasp but on time he grabs it and put back to his ear getting speechless. The Alpha mouth hung open in surprise. His heart went crazily beating inside his chest. Fuck God, Thyme doesn't know what to say now. He may have given his number to Kevin but never dare to expect that Kevin would ever call him. He didn't knew until now how much he was missing his mate. How much he wanted to hear his mate's voice. The bubble of happiness began to burst inside him like a fire cracker making him feel immense joy and warmth after a very long time. But what the hell it's almost three in the morning and his mate should be asleep at this hour.

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