Chapter 39

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A week later Gulf asked his don "What's next on the list baby?". Kevin look at the list in his hand and read it "Almond Mi...". He couldn't  able to read it more when suddenly hecsaw his mommy Gulf, bump into his best friend Tine in the aisle while doing grocery shopping. Gulf ghasp without looking up "I'm so..sor...?". Gulf too stopped himself from speaking more realizing the person he bump into is none other than is Tine. The Mother of a boy he litrally despise the most in the whole world. Oh No,  Gulf tried to walk past he  seriously wanted to ignore Tine and his husband but he couldn't do so when Tine smile widely squealing "OMG  G... What a small world. I missed you so much". Gulf roll his eyes nodding his head giving a forced smile. Kevin really love Tine, he's really a cool mother whome Kevin  always look up to it but then he remembers that he also gave birth to Thyme and and that made all the difference. Tine then gazes at Kevin looking at the little  Omega up and down as he muttered widely grinning "You're looking very very cute today. Right Wat? ". Kevin look at his mate's father walking closer to them carrying two packets of pasta with an eyebrow raised causing Kevin to freeze for a moment. Both Thyme's  parents grinned their eyes travel on Kevin's white dress shirt. The Omega was wearing the same dress shirt that he stole from his mate's closet the other day. No matter how much he despise his mate he just couldn't able to stop himself from wearing his shirt every other day since then. Kevin bit his lower lip gulping hard as he softly murmured "Th..Thank-you". He was suddenly conscious about his clothes. But what get to him was Sarawat Guntituthon grinning face. His mate looks so much like his father and vice versa that he litrally want to kill both father snd son for good at the moment. Plus there's no way Sarawat and Tine Guntituthon would find out that he's wearing something that belongs to their son, something he stole from their son's closet. Many people can have the same clothing, not just him.

As Sarawat and Tine transfer their attention on Gulf. The two invite their friend over dinner trying to be very  sweet and nice with Gulf. Kevin really can't believe Thyme is the son of Tine and Sarawat Guntituthon. They both had always tried to be good friends to his parents but their son, his mate is tottaly opposite.  Thyme had really pissed him off. He still can't stop thinking about someone touching his mate, kissing and doing stuff to him. Thyme should be his, right?. All of Thyme's belongs to him and only him. Sarawat question softly when he saw the little Omega lost in his thought "Are you allright sweetheart?". Kevin blink at his mate's father thinking if Sarawat can smell his misery Kevin blurted out "I'm absolutely fine Uncle Wat....  But what are you going to do about Thyme?". Sarawat glance towards his wife in confusion saying "huh I didn't understand?". Kevin couldn't stop himself as he asked "About Thyme's irresponsible behavior. You're just going to let him do whatever he want in Win island?. Allow him to have unprotected se.x with some unknown Omega who like to get kinky?". When Kevin finished blurting out there was a pin drop silence for a whole minute between  all four in the middle of loud super market.

Gulf was the one to break the silence grabbing his son's arms gritting his name "Kevin... that's incredibly inappropriate to talk to your elders". Kevin glanced at his mommy who was glaring him hard, the Omega had just began as he softly inform "I'm sorry Uncle Wat...Tine. I thought you both know about Thyme's new girlfriend. Actually Thyme  had called me last week saying he's very proud and happy to live in Win island. Finding an Omega girlfriend who loves to get kinky with him". Gulf pinch his son's arm as he scold him again "That's enough Kevin. Not a word anymore". Kevin wasn't done yet. He   apologise "I'm sorry. I told you all this because I'm worried for Thyme... I don't want him to get into a relationship with someone unknown who isn't good for him".  In response Tine expression changes and he frown and narrowed his eyes at Kevin's true intention. The Omega  mommy tried to read the little Omega. Kevin look at Gulf who was still glaring at him as he softly mumble "I'm sorry mommy...". He then glance at both Sarawat and Tine concluding "I apologise for my blunt statement but I'm sure you know very well how to deal with your son". After that Gulf hurriedly muttered his good bye and drag his son  away from Sarawat and Tine. As soon as Gulf was away from Guntituthon's he spit out "What the hell was that Kevin?. You were so disrespectful to talk with older Alpha and his wife. Why did you brought Thyme up. Why do you care about that boy so much?". Kevin look down saying "I don't care for him. I just wanted to mess with him. Like he did to me". Gulf bitterly chukle shaking his head at his son. He then nods his head in understanding as he stated "I'm surprised to see this manipulative side of you Kevin. Now I know how wrong I was to blame Thyme for every fight happens between you and him. I'm very dissapointed in you today. You're going to be grounded for a week". Kevin look down and softly mumble "Okay" and follows his mommy in silence. He doesn't care about his own punishment he just wanted to get back to his stupid mate. Wanted to see him in in trouble, with his parents.

As soon as Sarawat and Tine reached back home they made a video call to their son Thyme and asked him as the call get connected "What do you have to say about having unprotected se.x with your new girlfriend, Thyme Guntituthon?". Thyme was surprised to hear his father questioning him about it. He spit out so loud "What? Girlfriend?. I don't have any girlfriend, Dad ". Tine and Sarawat glance at each other then Tine explain "We met Suppasit family at the supermarket. Kevin told us You had unprotected se.x with some unknown Omega. Thyme we thought you're smart. The last thing we want you to have kid at this age". Thyme growl in frustration "Mom, for god sake believe me. I don't have a girlfriend. And..That brat opened his big mouth and not just that he add  stuff on his own". Tine and Sarawat were still giving him stern look causing Thyme to add up "....I just lied to him about having a girlfriend but I didn't fuck any Omega. Trust me please". Sarawat sit back on his chair sighing hard "Details don't matter Son, but why even you have to lie about having a girlfriend to Kevin. I can clearly see you're on the way to ruin yourself. I'd suggest you to stay away from that Omega girl if she is an acquitance of Vincent. And I hope you already ended thing with that guy". In response Thyme lied to his parents "I don't talk to Vincent any more". Tine then explain " We are trying to amend our relationship with Suppasit even invited them on dinner this Friday". Thyme frown at that but Tine quickly added "....You delete Kevin number as well for now and leave him alone before you messed up and hurt him more". Thyme frown deepen really?, he does not understand why his parents are so interested to amend their friendships with Suppasit. They are more concerned about hurting Kevin. One time his parents wants him to be free and enjoy life then  guarding him and not at all trust him with his friendship.  Thyme softly added "Dad, Mom why do I feel You dont love me anymore. I feel more guarded and suffocated in Win island. Why I'm getting punished? What did I do wrong that you guys want me to live my life all alone". Tine shook his head explaining "Baby we love you the same. We are just over protective parents. And we only want to save you from trouble". Thyme bitterly chukled and shook his head not believing in his parents words as he said "Some People sent their kid away. Trust them. Let them live. without interfering in their life". Sarawat immediately snorted back "We are not some people who will forget about their kid, and let them live their life without interfering. Thyme no matter what we will always care for you". Tine nods and agreed with his husband and decide to end the call before things get out of their hands. Thyme sigh without any emotions he muttered "I love you too" and end the call.

At night Thyme smirk grunting "fucking brat" it's been more than two months Thyme was sent to Win island. Millions of time he tried to call and messaged his brat Omega to explain himself but that brat has blocked his number since that night. Further more Kevin had blocked all his social media account too but Thyme finally got himself added with his fake id. His only night job is to try stalking Kevin's  friends social media. He still couldn't socialize  much with Vincent nor able to kiss Lea, though he was regular in touch with Vincent and still wanted to try using Lea to get over his obsession with Kevin but after knowing his mate missed him he couldn't able to do so anything more. There was some constant whining and sadness inside his chest that doesn't allow him to take that one step towards Lea. Specially when he still couldn't wrap up his mind about the fact that Kevin took the risk and trespass inside his bedroom, stole his shirt just because he missed his scent was something he never thought will ever happened. The teenage Alpha groan as sokn as Kevin picture pop up on his phone screen "This brat " after scrolling Kevin's pictures after pictures with his friends partying wearing his same dress shirt made Thyme to sit straight in half surprise and half shock. How could his mate do this to him. Here he's been depressed and feeling sad while his mate partying with Jose, Sara and many other friends wearing his clothes. Thyme immediately began to call Kevin but as usual Thyme's phone number was still blocked.  Thyme immediately decide to call Dew, just because he doesn't  trust his other friend nani. So his only option was  Dew, who he can trust the most at the moment. As soon as the phone call got connected Dew answered "Thyme, It's already 2 in the morning dude. I was asleep". Thyme breathlessly blurted out "I need a favour bro. A big one". Dew pause for few seconds thinking there must be really something urgent and serious for Thyme to ask favour at this hour as Thyme began to be impatient but thankfully Dew asked "Oh okay what is it?". Thyme question his best friend "Do you know where Kevin Suppasit live? Please go to his house and tell him to unblock my phone number right away".

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I will save you guys. Just few more chapters left then I'll end this book.

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