Chapter 2 I'm a Grounder Girl

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Clarke POV

Its been one week since Lexa left to reunite with her not so ex-girlfriend Costia in Texas.

It was just a fling, she didn't mean anything to me anyway. I thought only a little bitterly.

I sigh and continue to restock, getting ready for tonight. We were short of help now and there would be no time later. I wondered if the girl who called earlier would show up. We really needed another girl.


I hear a voice call from upstairs.

"Down hear, grab a case of beer and bring it with you." I call back up to her.

I continue moving cases of booze around as I hear someone come slowly down the stairs. I appraise her critically.

Her skin is clear, she has big blue eyes with long lashes and thick wavy dark hair. She has a cute figure, petite. She seems really graceful despite carrying the heavy case of beer.

She also looks like a preschool teacher.

Are you Clarke Griffin? Uggh...Where do you want this?" She asks trying not to drop it.

"Right here. So have you ever bartended before? " I ask not telling her who I am just yet.

"Not officially, but I can mix drinks."

"We don't mix drinks here. We serve hard liquor for people who want to get drunk, fast. We have Beer in the bottle, Jim, Jack, Johnny Red, Johnny Black and Jose. All my favorite men.Maybe you should try Dropship, the tourist club down the street." I finish a little sarcastically.

She sets the case down at my feet and looks me in the eye, "Look, I've had a rough couple of days, so if you're not Clarke can you tell me where to find her because I don't have time to deal with a waitress on a power trip." She says firmly.

I smile at her in approval. I may have underestimated this one.
"I'm Clarke Griffin" I reply extending my hand to her, "You can start Friday night. We just need to do something about your clothes..."


Octavia POV

As I walk home I sigh in relief. I have a job, at least. I also have an outfit that Clarke loaned to me.

Apparently I looked a little too wholesome to work in a bar.

Well, this should be interesting I think to myself knowing I only have to stick it out long enough to find a real job. Preferably something involving dance.


"I can't come this week Bell, I'm starting my new job" I roll my eyes at the phone.

"Well how about I come to see you then?" He presses, not to be deterred.

"Let me find out my schedule at work first. Ok Bellamy? "

"Are you sure you're ok O?" I hear the concern in his voice.

I'm fine Bell. Promise. I gotta go. I'm meeting Monty and Harper. Love you Bell."

"Love you too O." He says hanging up.

When I get to my apartment Monty, Harper and Jasper are already waiting for me.

After hearing about my break in, Monty announced he was installing a new lock, for me as well as a security system.

"Trust me Octavia, no one is getting in here again" he assures me.

"So you start your new job Friday?" Harper pipes up.

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous." I admit

"Why, where are you working? " she asks.

"This bar called Grounders..."

"You're a Grounder girl?" Jaspers outburst takes me by surprise. He struck me as being a little shy.

"Yeah" I mutter sheepishly. "You've heard of it?" I ask a little surprised.

"Who hasn't heard of it?" he responds and Monty nods in agreement.

Harper just shrugs, "Maybe we'll visit you one night after you're settled in?"

"Sure, I'll even buy you guys a round of drinks. "I say having no real idea what I'm in for.

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