chapter 29 Coffee Talk

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Octavia POV

Despite having limited sleep, I was the first one up the next morning. I decided to make the girls breakfast so we could talk with Nylah about her sister.

As I looked in Clarke's fridge I decided to make French toast but first things first.


Thank goodness I brought a coffee pot with me after hearing about how she ended up at the coffee shop with Bell, I knew she hadn't replaced it yet.

Once the coffee was brewing and the smell permeated the apartment, Clarke made her way to the kitchen and sat down. She nodded at me, waiting for the coffee to finish.

I smirked, knowing she's not really a morning person and let her be.

Once she had her coffee in hand, cradling it like it was the best thing in life she raised an eyebrow at me, "God bless you Octavia!"

I chuckle, rolling my eyes,while I continue with breakfast

As she slowly awakens she finally begins to notice what I am doing. "Octavia!" She squeals, "Is that Lincoln's famous french toast? With strawberries? That looks amazing!"

I nod, "Yeah, Lincoln taught me how to makd it and I figure we all need a good breakfast while we talk over stuff."

"Did Nylah tell you anything?" She asks, instantly alert.

"A little, but I think you should hear it from her."

Clarke nods. "We still haven't heard from Echo. It's been over 24 hours. I know Bell said we had to wait at least that long." She pauses then rushes on. "We can't let Nylah go to social services if we can help it but I don't know if we should trust Roan either...?" She trails off and you can practically hear the gears in her head moving as she tries to work out a solution.

"Well, there's definitely a story there. I don't think Roan will hurt Nylah though. From what she said he and Echo were practically engaged. Echo dumped him when he was overseas but Nylah has no idea why."


We sit lost in thought for several moments before we hear more voices. Raven and Nylah slowly make their way into the kitchen too

"You're timing is perfect. Breakfast is almost ready." I smile at them.


Clarke POV

During breakfast we avoided the topic of Echo and any speculation in favor of enjoying our food and making small talk about the movies the girls watched the night before.

Once we were finished, however it was back to business.

Nylah decided to just break the tension and jump right in.

"I still haven't heard from my sister." She blurts out.

I look her in the eye after glancing at Octavia. "Has she ever left you for this long before?" I ask gently, being careful to not spook her.

I want to help her, but she has to trust me and I know better than anyone that trust is not an easy thing.

At least it never has been for me.

Nylah shakes her head no.

"If we call Bellamy and report your sister missing, they may want to place you with a foster family until she can be found." I continue softly.

"Can't I stay with you guys?" She asks timidly, eyes wide.

The girls and I exchange looks.

"It may not be up to us Nylah." Octavia replies giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Do you have any other family just in case?"

She shakes her head again, "Roan would be the only one, but I don't think I can stay with him right now."

"Why not?"

"He just got back into town, I'm not sure where he's staying or if he even has extra room" She replies honestly.

I nod deciding not to push her any further for the moment.

"Well" I say standing, "let me call Bellamy and see what he has to say about this. Ok?"

She nods, suddenly, losing her appetite.

Echo POV

I awake to the smell of coffee and I blink wearily to see Ontari, sitting in a chair across from me with a cup in her hand.

Emerson is no where to be seen.

"Eat up." She nods towards a tray on the table. "It looks like you get to go home today."

If only that thought made me happy.

I don't reply as I reach for the covered plate revealing eggs, bacon, toast and some fruit. After the first bite I moan realizing how ravenous I am. I didn't eat much with Emerson hovering...

It isn't long until the door opens and Nia walks in smiling brightly.

Evil bitch

"Well I trust you ladies enjoyed your breakfast? It is the most important meal of the day." She smiles at me as if we are the best of friends.

Correction, Delusional, evil bitch....

I mutter my thanks for the food, wondering what else she could possibly have to say to me.

"You get to go home today Echo...but I hope you understand that certain things are expected of you."

I give her a venemous look.

How could I forget?

"I trust this won't be a problem for you? I mean we could make other arrangements. With your sister? Nylah, right?"

"What do you want Nia?"

"Watch your tone my dear! There is no need to be impolite.." she snips at me, smile wavering slightly.

Is she for real right now? I think to myself, staring at her in disbelief.

I force myself to nod in acquiescence.

"Much better!" Her smile returns. "Now, this is what we need you to do..."

Bellamy POV

Miller and I have just gotten out of our car at Grounders, to speak to Nylah when a car comes screeching around the corner. It barely slows down before a woman is thrown out the rear passenger side of the car. It peels off as she rolls across the sidewalk, landing against the wall of the building with a loud. Ooommmph!

Miller runs to the car to radio it in, asking for an ambulance for the girl who is obviously hurt.

"Don't worry" I say bending over her. "You're safe now. Can you tell me your name?"

She moans in pain as I brush the bronze hair from her bruised and battered face only to realize I know exactly who she is.


What the hell happened to her? 

Whatever scumbag did this to her was going to pay.

I'd make sure of it.

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