chapter 23 Trouble

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Bellamy POV

When Echo got on the bar and started dancing, she was looking right at me and I'll admit it, she looked good. Ok, better than good.

She looked hot!

I may be in love with Clarke, but hey I'm only human.

To be fair I wasn't the only one watching her. Jasper, Monty and Miller all had their mouths hanging open too.

At least until we heard Maya and Harper complaining. "Really? Are you guys that easy?" She snorts in disgust.

Jasper snaps his head around quickly, "What?"

Harper giggles, "Clarke and Octavia look furious."

My eyes quickly find Clarke's.

Yeah, she's watching Echo and she looks really pissed. As she glances at me and catches my eye I can't quite figure out the look in her eyes. Worry? Doubt? Jealousy?
I pause for a moment staring at her. I may love her but I can't make the same mistakes with her that I made with Roma. If she doesn't love me back, well, I need to move on...I mentally shake myself and sigh. Easier said than done.

Clarke POV

Echo finishes her little exhibition and hops off the bar looking very satisfied with herself.

"Raven. Cover the bar, Echo and I need a minute." I say firmly as I grab her by the arm and head to my office.

"What the hell was that?! I thought I told you no performance tonight!" I begin, unable to control my anger.

"I don't understand the problem? The crowd loved me!?" Echo responds hotly.

"Of course they did! They got a free show! I don't need the reputation of this bar to be called into question! Are you trying to get us shut down for prostitution??! Give me one reason I shouldn't fire you right now!"

"You'd fire me?" She asks in surprise, face falling slightly.

"Absolutely, unless you can convince me why I should let you stay!"

"Clarke, I'm really sorry...I guess I didn't realize..." she begins, subdued.

Before she can continue we are interrupted by Indra. "Clarke, we need you out front. We have customers asking for Echo."

Echo's eyes light up in triumph.

I give her a hard stare. "You pull another stunt like that and you are gone. No questions asked. Got it?"

Echo nods and hurries out without further comment.

I sigh and follow a minute later wondering if I have just made a terrible mistake.


When I emerge from the back Echo is already in conversation with a man while simultaneously serving him a drink. Something looked vaguely familiar about him but I shake it off, he was probably just a regular.

The rest of the night was a blur. We were so busy I barely had time to speak to Bellamy before it was almost time for last call.

I glance up and Bellamy is smiling at me from across the bar. He raises his eyebrow in silent question and I nod, a smile playing on my lips. I hastily stored the rag I had used to wipe down the bar and looked at Raven. "You ok to close up with Indra?"

Raven looks up and smirks at me. "Go on Griffin. Just have fun." She adds, wiggling her eyebrows at me in jest.

"Raven!" I hiss.

"Just go already " She rolls her eyes.

I hesitate, "Echo, you can take off too. We'll see you on Wednesday ok?"

Echo looks up and smiles, "OK. Thanks Clarke." She waves at Raven and goes to grab her stuff.

"Did I make a mistake?" I ask Raven with a subtle nod towards Echo.

"Time will tell. Could just be a rookie mistake." Raven shrugs. "Did you see the letter on your desk?"

"What letter?"

"From Mt. Weather Inc. They want to know if we want to expand with corporate sponsorship."

I raise my eyebrows, "They want to buy us out and make us a chain?"

"Looks like..." Raven shrugs.

"Not for sale"

"Yeah, I figured as much but I wanted to tell you anyway before we tell them Hell no." She smirks. " Now get out of here! That man is getting inpatient!"

No sooner does she finish that sentence than I feel arms around my waist.

"Ready to get out of here?" Bellamy whispers in my ear as Echo passes us on her,way out in a hurry.

"Yes, let me grab my stuff and I'll meet you by the door."


Echo POV

"So how'd it go?" His voice low and menacing.

"I managed to make it thru the night without getting fired." Is my clipped response.

"Echo, I can not stress how important this is."

"I know Emerson! Ok?! Now give me a break and let me do my job!"

"Do I need to remind you what's at stake?" He lowers his voice in a threatening manor while grabbing my arm.

"No!" I whisper trying to pull away.

"I believe the lady said no." Bellamy's deep voice interrupts us as he and Clarke pause a few feet from us, having just left the club.

"Is there a problem here Echo?" Clarke asks giving Emerson a hard glare.

"No, this gentleman was just leaving." I say pointedly, glaring at Emerson.

Bellamy takes a step closer and Emerson raises both hands in surrender. "Just a misunderstanding. I'm leaving. I apologize for any misunderstanding." He says smoothly.

As he walks off I feel myself breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you ok?" Clarke asks, concerned

"Yes. Yes, Thank you. He just.. I...I'm fine thank you." I stammer.

"Do you need a ride?" Bellamy asks kindly.

"No, my car is right here. But thank you."

"Allright, goodnight. " They turn and walk hand in hand to his car.

As I unlock my car with shaky hands, I sit for a moment to settle my nerves. Clarke and the girls seem like really good people, I hate lying and I wish there was another way but I have no choice.

I finally start my car and drive to my apartment the tears silently falling down my cheeks.

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