chapter 30 Echo

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Bellamy POV

"Echo? Echo, can you hear me? You're safe now. I've got you." I try to reassure her while I glance over her to see how badly she's been hurt.

"Owwww. Bell...Bellamy?" She moans, eyes fluttering as she fights to open them.

"The ambulance should be here soon.  Are you able to tell me where you're hurt?"

She tries to sit up and immediately sinks back down, holding her head.

"Easy there" I steady her as I hear the faint sound of sirens on their way.

"I'm ok.  Really." She replies, trying to downplay her obvious pain. Her face is bruised and her lips are cracked and bleeding.

"Do you remember what happened to you."

"Parts of it" She replies wincing as I gently probe her head, feeling a small lump on the back.

"Who did this to you?" I ask as Miller stands next to us watching.

"Emerson. His name is Carl Emerson..."

Clarke POV

It had been almost an hour since I had called Bellamy and he still hadn't shown up yet.

We heard some sirens, which is nothing new living in a big city, until they stopped right in front of our building.

As Raven and I were plastered to the front window in an attempt to see what was going on, I thought I saw Bellamy in the crowd. Raven must have spotted him too because she looked at me and said. "Was that Bellamy? Maybe you should get downstairs...?"

I just nodded slipping on my shoes as the others wandered in from the kitchen, having heard the commotion. When my phone rang and I spotted Bellamy's name I stepped into my bedroom so Nylah wouldn't overhear me.

"Bellamy?! Thank goodness, are you downstairs? What's going on..?"

Bellamy sighs into the phone. "Yes, I'm downstairs. I...we found Echo."

"What do you mean you found her?" I ask fearfully, thinking of Nylah.

"She's alive." He responded, hearing the concern in my voice, "She's been badly beaten though.  She was thrown from a moving vehicle right on the doorstep of Grounders." He paused, "You should bring Nylah with you and I'll give you both a ride to the hospital."

The phone clicked off before I could reply.


The ride to the hospital was silent.  I didn't want to question Bellamy in front of Nylah for fear it would upset her even more.

She was already upset that she wasn't allowed to ride in the ambulance with her sister, because she was a minor. 
Her worries were well founded as Echo had passed out before we could make it downstairs so Nylah didn't even have the comfort of her sister's words to calm her down.

When we reached the hospital I helped Nylah fill out the necessary forms while we waited for news.

Bellamy and Miller hung around hoping to get more information from Echo about her abduction.

After what seemed like days but was on fact only about an hour a doctor came out with a somber expression on her face.

"Are you the family of Echo Winter?"  She asked addressing me.  I pointed to Nylah.

"I am"  Nylah replied softly clutching my hand tightly. "She's my sister."

"I'm doctor Tsing.   You're sister has some bruised ribs, along with some cuts and scrapes..."

"Can I see her?"  Nylah interrupts.

The doctor holds up her hand for silence and continues.  "She also has a mild concussion that is cause for some concern.  She is fading in and out of consciousness and we have run a CT scan to rule out anything more serious.  Your sister needs rest and all we can do right now is give that to her."

"I understand"  She nods, lips in a tight line.

"How long will she have to stay?" I interject.

"I would recommend overnight at the very least.  If no further symptoms present themselves you should be able to take her home, but no promises right now Miss Winter." She replies as her gaze shifts back to Nylah with a glance that I can't quite decipher but at the same time it leaves me on edge for no apparent reason.

"Can I see her now?" Nylah pleads again before I can interrupt with more questions.

"I will send a nurse out once she's settled in her room"  Dr. Tsing replies before turning and heading back to the ER, the heels of her shoes clacking in a staccato rythym on the floor.

I look around for Bellamy and he catches my eye with a puzzled expression as he and Miller come out of the ER doors passing Dr Tsing in the process.

"Everything ok?"  Bellamy asks when he reaches us.

I walk a discreet distance from Nylah, "So far, we're just waiting for Echo to get a room before we can see her." I murmur as he pulls me into a hug.

"We have to get back to the station to file a report, do you need me to come back and pick you up?"

"No," I shake my head.  " I'll call Octavia or Raven"

He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and heads out with Miller.


"Yes Nylah?"

"I need to call my Uncle."

"You mean Roan?" 

"Yeah" She looks determined.

"Are you sure that's a good idea right now?" I ask gently.  "She's not awake yet and we don't know when she will be."

"He needs to know"  She answers in a flat voice, unwavering in her determination as she pulls out her phone. 

I nod and pull out my phone simultaneously to let Raven and Octavia know they will have to hold down the bar without me tonight.



Hi guys!  I know it's been a while since my last update and I really have no real excuse except being slightly uninspired by the season 3.  I am loving this season though so I got my inspiration back!  I swear bellarke will be canon on the show by season 5!  Either way I can't wait! 
A huge thank you to anyone who has waited for this update  and leaving me comments to hurry up!!!

I appreciate it!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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