Chapter 11 Meeting Lincoln

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Clarke POV

I smile to myself as I set the pastries on the table. I think I caught him off guard with the kiss on the cheek.

"So, care to join me?" I tease as I sit at the table.

He returns my smile but as he goes to sit down his phone chimes.

He looks at it and I can see him tense up.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

He shrugs, " No, not really. Apparantly my sister wants me to meet her boyfriend tonight at dinner. Her boyfriend I knew nothing about."

"You'll like Linc."

"You know him?"

"Uhh, Yeah, he's the bouncer at my bar."

"The guy with all the tatoos?"


"Great, just great" he mutters something else under his breath that I can't quite catch.

It is both cute and hilarious to watch the overprotective side of him come out.

"You know she is 21..."

"Yeah" he sighs. "I do, really, its just, she's my responsibility. I promised mom I'd look out for her and you don't usually bring home the guy covered in tattoo's home to meet mom."

"You're a good brother but you're not her mom Bellamy. Linc is a good guy. I promise." I put my hand over his to reassure him and try to ignore the tingle that shoots from my fingers down to my toes. I smile at him and pull my hand away under the pretense of grabbing a cannoli.


Octavia POV

"Well, you are officially coming to dinner tonight." I tell Lincoln smugly.

He smiles, "should I be worried?"

I laugh, "Don't worry, I can handle Bell!" I say, more confidently then I feel. "C'mon" I say, standing up. "I need to get to the store. I'll make Fettucine Alfredo for dinner, that's one of Bell's favorites."

"Trying to soften him up?" Lincoln raises his eyebrows.

"Definitely, we're gonna need all the help we can get." He can't yell too bad on a full stomach" I reason.

Lincoln smirks, "Nice to see you have a plan." He replies, following me out the door.


Bellamy POV

I had debated bringing Clarke to dinner tonight just to help keep me calm but I thought better of it. I had to do this alone. I just had to keep reminding myself that Octavia is an adult and I'm not her mom.

I brought homemade dessert tonight, Tiramisu. One of O's favorites that she never learned how to make. Well she always said hers never came out as good as mine anyway.

I took a deep breathe, cracked my neck, and knocked on the door.

"Hey Bell! " Octavia's voice greets me.
She stands aside to let me in and I follow her into the kitchen. Apparently she put Lincoln to work making the salad. As I try to take in his appearance before he turns around I note he is a little taller than me, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, his tattoos peeking out from the short sleeves.

"Bell, this is Lincoln, Lincoln, my brother Bellamy" Octavia smiles tightly as she sees him turn around.

My lips twitch involuntarily as I see he is wearing a frilly apron that says Don't Kiss the Cook.

He clears his throat, "It's nice to finally meet you Bellamy" he says giving me a firm handshake and a small smile.

He gestures to the apron a little embarrassed, "It's Octavia's"

"I figured as much" I reply with a genuine smile this time. It was the icebreaker that we needed.

As we dig in to eat I learn that Lincoln is an artist who likes motorcycle's. He met Clarke a few years ago at an art exhibition and they have been friends ever since.

He also works out 4 times a week and knows martial arts. I may be a trained cop turned detective but I seriously doubt I could take him in a fight.

Well, if he hurts my sister I do have a licensed weapon.

Octavia rolls her eyes at me as if she knows what I am thinking.

As I watch the way they interact with each other it is obvious to me he cares about her.

Octavia shoves us both out of the kitchen so she can make some coffee and clean up, but I know it is her way if telling me to talk to Lincoln.


Octavia POV

I keep my ears open for any sign of trouble. Dinner seems to have gone better than I hoped.

I am startled to hear some laughter coming from the other room. A lot of laughing actually. As I make my way to the other room I hear Bellamy's voice.

"For a fifteen year old I couldn't believe she..."

Oh my god! Not the cheerleading story!

I bolt for the living room.




Looks like Octavia doesn't have to worry about Lincoln and Bellamy getting along...

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