chapter 28 Manipulations

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Roan POV

As I parked my bike in the driveway I sat for a moment to get myself under control before entering the lion's den that was home for part of my childhood. Once I felt sufficiently calm I walked purposefully up the walk to the front door.

I rang the bell and waited.

After what seemed like forever but was in reality only a few moments, the door was opened by our longtime butler Max.

"Master Roan." He smiled wide enough for eyes to crinkle.

"Don't call me that old man." I reply engulfing him in a hug which he returns briefly before pulling away. He glances over his shoulder quickly.

"Your mother..."he trails off.

I sigh and nod. He doesn't need to finish. We both know she wouldn't appreciate this display of affection for a servant. Nevermind that he was more of a parental figure to me than she ever was, I thought bitterly to myself.

"Where is my mother?" I ask instead.

"She will be here,shortly. May I offer you a drink sir?" He replies, leading me into the sitting room.



As I make my way down to the wine cellar I stop at the end of the hall and remove a false panel to reveal a keypad. As I punch in the code a door in the wood paneling slides open enough to allow me slip through.

While the door closes behind me with a whoosh I take in my surroundings.

Echo, my guest, is sitting quietly on a sofa refusing to cry. I notice her clothing is,silently torn and she has the beginnings of a nasty bruise forming on her cheek.

The bruise had not been there the day before.

I turn to glare at Emerson who is leaning against the far wall with a black eye and a sullen look on his face.

I had known of Emerson's infatuation with Echo which is why I had been hesitant to leave him alone with her. Judging by his sour look it would appear his unwanted advances had been thwarted.

"Is someone going to explain what happened to her face?" I ask with forced civility.

My niece Ontari breaks the silence with a glare at Emerson. "When I arrived he was already trying to force himself on her so I stepped in." She gives me a curt nod.

"Emerson" I begin calmly, " I thought I had made my wishes perfectly clear. Echo is off limits to you. There are plenty of ladies available for the right price. There is no need to force yourself on a lady who is unreceptive." I pause for a moment. "Perhaps we should discuss what happens to employees who cannot follow simple instructions."

He gives me a venemous look but then drops his eyes in defeat. "That won't be necessary. It won't happen again."

I smile in triumph. "Of coarse it won't. Now, take a little walk but don't go upstairs. I am expecting a visitor and it simply won't do if you're seen meandering through the halls."

He nods before leaving the room.

I turn to Ontari. "He is never to be left alone with our guest again. Understood?"

She nods.

"Do you need Conor as back up or can you manage this situation alone?" I press.

This draws a smirk from Ontari, "I can control him easily but I could switch off with Conor around the clock."

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