chapter 27 Control

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Octavia POV

Echo never showed up for her shift so Clarke asked me to watch Nylah at her apartment upstairs.  Obviously we had limited choices since Nylah was underage and couldn't remain at Grounders while we were open for business.

Without spelling it out I knew Clarke wanted me to try to get to the bottom of what was going on.  I decided popcorn and a movie was in order.

I let her pick and she instantly settled on the Hunger Games trilogy.  We figured we'd have nothing but time since the bar didn't close until 3.

We got changed and comfortable with a huge bowl of popcorn, m&ms, goobers and twinkies.

It wasn't too long before Nylah seemed relaxed even though I could still see a look of worry on her face as she glanced at her phone several times.

"President Snow is not gonna let her off the hook that easily."  I remarked, getting ready to call up the second one on Netflix.

"Nope, but Katniss will take him down"  She replied.

"Who do you like better?  Peeta or Gale?"

She laughed,  "Honestly I love Gale!  Does that make me bad?"

"Nah I agree, "It's the eyes."  I nod, laughing with her.

Her laughter dies and as I go to grab a couple of Pepsi's from the fridge and I  return to see a look of extreme worry on her face but before I can comment she beats me to it.



"I'm scared."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask sitting next to her and giving her my undivided attention.  "Maybe I can help."

She nods, "I think my sister's in trouble."

"Does this have anything to do with your uncle suddenly returning?"

"No.  Roan would try to help us if he knew, but I think it would make things worse for him too."

"So why tell me?"  I ask, treading carefully.  I want her to trust me, but at the same time I'm thinking we may be in over our heads.

She looks at me for a minute, skeptical then sighs.  "Your brother is a cop and, I think you may be the only ones who can help."

"Fair enough." I nodded, waiting for her to begin.


Roan POV

No sooner had I stepped out of the bar than my phone rings.  My eyes roll involuntarily as I recognize the number.  I thought I had more time before she figured out I was home.

"Yes mother?"  I answer with only a hint of sarcasm.

"Now Roan, you know I don't like that tone.  Were you planning on calling your mother?"  Her sickeningly sweet voice carried over the phone not able to disguise the sharp edges underneath.  The very sound makes me want to throw my phone against the pavement.

"I was going to stop by tonight.  Do I even want to know how you managed to get this number?"  I seethe into the phone.

"I have my ways, you should know that by now.  You should also be glad that your mother looks out for you like I do."  She coos into the phone with that fake southern charm that always drove me insane.  "Now"  She continues without skipping a beat, " I will be expecting you for dinner tonight, promptly at 6pm.  Don't be late, you know how that annoys me."

I clench my fists together involuntarily knowing that I will need to play by her rules for now.  At least until I find out what is going on with Echo.

"Yes, ma'am " I reply with forced politeness.  "Mother, have you spoken to Echo  since I've been gone?"  The question flies from my mouth before I am able to stop myself.

"That will be a discussion best saved for the dinner table.  I'll see you tonight Roan."  She answers smoothly before hanging up just as quickly as she called.

I'm left standing there wondering what exactly may have happened with Echo and if my mother had a hand in it.

I shook my head as I hopped on my bike and made my way back to my apartment.  I had been a fool for not marrying Echo before I left for service overseas.  I could only hope that she was ok and that she would still want me...

Abby POV

I really don't understand why Clarke is being so stubborn about this.  I think to myself as I finish leaving yet another message for my daughter.

I would have thought that by giving her the space she needed she would have come to her senses by now and go back to medical school.  I mean she couldn't possibly want to run a bar for the rest of her life.  I shudder at the thought.

I wish Jake was still around.  He always knew how to get through to her.  I sigh, rubbing my temples,  the thought of my late husband just one more thing in a string of events to go horribly wrong in my life.

As I take a sip of water I catch sight of Nia making her way to my table.

"Abigail"  She says in greeting.

"Nia"  I respond.  "Do you have any news?"  I ask hopefully.

"Now Abigail you know if there was news I would have told you.  It would seem that your daughter is just as stubborn as you said she was."

"I thought you were good at business takeovers and such?"

"Abigail.  I may be good but corporate takeovers are quite different than trying to buy a private business anonymously.  This requires more finesse."

"Finesse?"  I ask her, brows raised, unimpressed.

Her smile widens and she releases a joyful giggle.  "Of course, but don't you worry darlin,  I think I may have found a way to make her change her mind."

Clarke POV

It had been a strange day and I was just itching to get to Octavia and Nylah.

The night started off with Raven telling me we had another letter from Cage's attorney making an offer to buy the bar on behalf of Mt Weather Inc.

This guy just couldn't take no for an answer.  How could he thinks we would sell to him?  I mean we were already in direct competition with him since his club was just down the street.  Maybe we were taking away more of his business than we had previously thought.

Then I get a call from my mother, whom I hadn't spoken to since I ran into her at the hospital with Bella, despite her leaving me several messages.

 Just the usual, "Clarke when are you going back to medical school?  Clarke, I can talk to Thelonius, it won't be a problem to get you in next semester."  I roll my eyes while waiting for the message to finish before deleting it.

I know I should probably call her but I couldn't muster up the energy for another fight.

I had hoped she would realize by now that she couldn't control me but her message is just more proof of the opposite. 

Well, I thought as I straightened out my office before heading upstairs to Octavia and Nylah, she would just have to wait.   I had more important things to deal with right now, not the least of which was helping Nylah and her sister.

Echo had only been gone a little over 24 hours.  What if it was already too late?



I know I've been terrible with updates lately but now that summers here I'm hoping to update once a week or 2 weeks if I get stuck.  I have the rest of the story mapped out so that shouldn't be an issue.

Also 21k reads!!!  Tysm guys!!!

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