chapter 22 Doubts

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Bellamy POV

It's been two weeks since I told Clarke I loved her.

She hasn't said it back.

Sure on the surface things seem great. We still spend time together both on our own and with Bella, which is the best. Bella loves her too.

But what if she's only with me because of my daughter?

I've tried to give her a little time, since I know she's been through a lot. The reality is I can't waste time on someone who doesn't feel the same way about me. My daughter needs a mother.

If I knew what was going on in her head I could wait forever, but my daughter can't.
Maybe we should just start seeing other people.

I shake my head in frustration as I finish my coffee and go to get Bella up for the day. Thanksgiving is next week, maybe I'll see how that goes before I make any big decisions.

Octavia POV

So I've been working with the new girl on her flair. I'm not really sure if I like her.

Ok, I know that sounds harsh it's just...well, call it a gut feeling. She seems ingenious.

Also her long red painted fingernails just rub me the wrong way. She's also way too friendly, trying to hard for someone you barely know.

Oh, and I also caught her flirting with my boyfriend before we were officially introduced.

I walk into the bar for opening shift and Lincoln is standing by the counter talking to her and Indra and her hands are all over his biceps.

I saw red.

To his credit Lincoln looked pretty uncomfortable and was trying to back away from her when I walked in.

Indra saw me and smirked as I marched straight up to Lincoln and slid my arms around his waist, ignoring her while giving him a kiss. "Sorry I'm late. Miss me?"

She actually had the nerve to glare at me.

Indra introduced us at that point and I admit I was NOT feeling the love.

"I think that's enough for now" I sigh as she drops another glass on the floor. Thank God we use stuff from the dollar store for practice. "Take five while I straighten up and then we'll work on some of the dances"

She nods and walks off for a smoke while Indra walks over to me shaking her head.

"You don't like her do you?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"Only to those with two eyes" She replies without missing a beat.

I groan, "Sorry, I'll try to watch it."

"Why are you apologizing? You haven't done anything wrong. You don't have to like everyone. Besides she was putting the moves on your man... right?"

I nod, gritting my teeth.

"You have good instincts Octavia. Trust them." She lowers her voice. "I don't like her either." She confides unexpectedly.

Our conversation ceases as we hear Echo come in the door, returning from her smoke. Further talk will just have to wait.

"C'mon Echo let's get started on the dances. We have 3 days until your audition so let's get cracking."


Clarke POV

It's Friday night and Echo's first "audition night". It's a packed house too.

She's a little shaky on her flairing skills but that does take time.

She's also dressed a little more flamboyant than I normally like the girls to be. Anyone dancing on the bar needs to be in pants but she is wearing a skirt.

I roll my eyes as she serves a round of shots to a group of guys.



"I think you should stick to bartending tonight. Your not dressed for the performance part."

"What's wrong with this?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

"It's a skirt."

"So." She huffs.

"Do I have to draw you a picture? You'll be dancing on a bar in a skirt. We are not that kind of business! Ok?" I snapped at her a little irritated.

"Fine!" She spins around and start to serve a customer who I realize too late is Bellamy.

I watch for a moment as she openly flirts with him. He seems to enjoy it and doesn't even look for me.

Maybe Raven's wrong.
Maybe I am too late.

That thought alone sends a sliver of fear straight to my heart.

I watch Bellamy head back to the table where Jasper, Monty, Miller and the girls all seem to be enjoying themselves.

I sigh inwardly try to shake it off and get back to work.

***time lapse a couple hours later***

The girls had just finished doing their group performance to The Devil went down to Georgia, and Echo and I were holding down the bar.

I grabbed the bullhorn, "Hey! Everbody! I want you to meet our new girl Echo!"

Echo climbs on the bar before I could get any further and started to dance to the song that the DJ started to play to the hoots and hollers of several patrons.

My mouth was not the only one that fell open in disbelief. This girl was trouble but it was clear I was going to have to show her who's the boss. No one will disrespect me in my bar!

Octavia was fuming too and as I followed her eyes I noticed Bellamy watching Echo with undisclosed admiration on his face.

My doubts of earlier came flooding back full force. If I wanted Bellamy I was going to have to fight for him and put my heart on the line.

He was worth the risk, now I just had to figure out what to do....


Hi guys! I'm so excited that season three finally has a a start date! The countdown has begun. Yay!
Also , this book has over 5k reads!

Thank you sooo much! You guys are awesome!

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