Chapter 18 From Xena to Spongebob

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Octavia POV

Things were finally settling down a bit. It had been just over 3 months since Isabella had been dropped off in Bell's arms. She was 8 months old. Bellamy was a great dad, but then I already knew he would be because of how awesome I turned out.

Halloween was two days away and Grounders was having a costume contest tomight. I was going as Xena and Lincoln was going to be Riddick. I had talked Bellamy into being Han Solo and Clarke was going to be Britney Spears from her Baby one more time video.

I was just dropping off the tiara for Bella's Halloween costume, she was just toddling now and was just so darn cute! Bellamy had freaked out a little about baby proofing the house but I just laughed at him.

She was going to be Sophia the first. With her dark curls, she would look really cute with the purple dress and little tiara.

I knocked on the door but didn't wait for an answer before entering. "Bell? Where are you?"

"Kitchen." He called out.

When I walked in Bella was in her high chair and Bellamy was feeding her but it looked like she was wearing more than actually eating it.

I whipped out my phone and snapped a picture before he could protest, just as Bella grabbed the spoon and flicked spaghetti in his face.

It was priceless! I couldn't help it and I started to laugh earning a glare from my big brother.

"You know Octavia you could actually help me." He huffed sarcastically in spite of his grin picking spaghetti out of his eye.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't get to look at your spaghetti face!" I replied while handing him a towel. "Here, I'll finish feeding Bella while you start getting ready. Who's babysitting tonight?"

"Charlotte's little sister Lia. She should be here in 30 minutes." He replied, rushing upstairs to shower.


***time lapse***
Bellamy POV

I had no idea what to expect when I got to Grounders, Lincoln was at the door, intimidating as ever dressed as Riddick, I felt sort of lame dressed as Han Solo.

There was dry ice all around, spider webs and purple lights giving the bar an eerie appearance.

As I made my way to our table I saw most of the gang already there.

Jasper was dressed as Zorro, Maya was the girl from izombie. Monty had dressed as the Arrow and Harper was Supergirl. Miller wasn't here yet.

No sooner did I reach the table than Raven brings me a beer.


"Raven. Or should I say Lara Croft?" I smirk at her.

"You may address me as Raven, the embodiment of awesomeness lowly peasant."

The table emits laughter. "We aren't worthy. We aren't worthy!"

Before I could comment Clarke catches my eye from the bar and I excuse myself.

"Hellooo baby baby" I greet her with a kiss.


"What can I say? This Britney look is really working for you!" I whisper in her ear while pulling on her braid"

She rolls her eyes and smirks, "You're such a guy."

"Are you complaining?"

"Uh huh. Now scram mister, I'm working here."

"Ok, see you later?"

"Count on it"

Clarke POV

The night seems to fly by and before I know it its almost 11pm. As I finish serving up a round of shots.

I notice a guy wearing a SpongeBob sweatshirt waiting for a drink and I mentally shake my head wondering if this guy lost a bet.

"What can I get...." the smile dies on my face when I realize exactly who he is.

Murphy, the father of my child...

"Clarke, I know you're probably angry with me but can we talk?"

What the hell...?!


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