Chapter 13 Confessions

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Octavia POV

"So she basically just said, 'This is your kid' and took off?" Lincoln asks in disbelief.

"Yeah. Can you believe that? My brother was completely blindsided. He had no idea she was pregnant. I know my brother, he may be an ass half the time but he takes his responsibilities seriously. He would have stepped up even if they weren't together. " I am beyond pissed right now, Roma is lucky she's in LA.

Lincoln rubs my shoulders trying to relieve the tension.

"Is he gonna be ok tonight? Do you need to go?" Lincoln asks worridly.

"No" I shake my head. "He said I had done enough helping him set up the crib and getting diapers and stuff. I think he just needs to be alone. Was it busy tonight?"

"The usual. Clarke was worried about you. " he gives me a look.

"Shit." I mutter. "Me? Why?"I bet Bellamy didn't have a chance to tell her anything yet.

"He said family emergency, she assumed it was you."

"Bellamy is a wreck, what should I tell her?" I ask Lincoln, then shake my head, "I better call Bell now." I answer my own question.

"Hey O." Bellamy answers tiredly.

"How are you? " I ask quietly.

"I just became a single dad within the last 24 hours, how the hell do you think I am?" He asks sarcastically.

"I get it ok? I'm sorry. "

He sighs, "No, I'm sorry O."

"You need to tell Clarke" I blurt without thinking.

"What?! Why?"

I take a deep breath, "Look, I know this situation came out of nowhere, but she is not only my boss, you guys are dating, or sort of dating...she's gonna ask me about this when I go back to work..." I trail off awkwardly.

I am met with silence.


"I can barely wrap my head around this Octavia, it's a lot to ask her to understand it." He replies cautiously.

"She doesn't need to understand it but she does have the right to know before you go any further. If she can't handle it then that's on her! Now, do you want me to say anything or are you going to do it?"

"No. I'll do it"


We talk for a few more minutes and I promise to watch Bella in the morning so he can meet Clarke and run some errands.


Bellamy POV

I walk to the coffee shop with some trepidation

How do you tell a woman you barely know you have a four month old kid without sounding like a complete asshole for not telling her sooner?

As I wait for our order she walks in and gives me a quick hug.


"Hey, yourself. How are you?"

"Good. Want to walk today? "



We keep the conversation light as we make our way across the street to the park.

I'm a wreck. My brain wouldn't turn off last night and I hardly got any sleep. I hope she understands what I am about to say.

"So..." I start nervously.

"So. .?" She raises her eyebrows.

"I have something I need to tell you." I start, as I lead her to a bench under a tree. I am thankful that there are not too many people here yet.

"Are you OK Bellamy? You and Octavia had me worried yesterday. "

"I just got some really surprising news yesterday threw me."

She lays her hand on my leg signaling me to continue.

"I think you've heard Octavia mention my ex, Roma?" I prompt.

She stiffens immediately.

"She showed up yesterday, out of the blue..."

Clarke stands up, "I get it Bellamy, you don't have to explain. " she says coldly starting to walk away.

I stand quickly and grab her arm.

"Wait! Were not getting back together Clarke! She's gone!"

"Gone? I don't understand? " she asks, clearly confused.

I sigh, "I don't either" I mutter to myself.

"What did she want?"

"She handed me my daughter and took off to L.A." I sigh wearily.

"I...I didn't know you had a daughter" she stammers.

"Yeah, I didn't either!" I almost yell in frustration.

"I'm sorry Bellamy"

"So am I princess." I avoid her eyes so I'll be able to get through the next part. I stare at me feet instead.

"Look, this is my responsibility and I understand if you need to walk away now. It's a lot to take in and I don't blame you. "

As I finally raise my head to look in her eyes one last time I see she is glaring at me in anger as a tears roll down her cheek.

I knew she would hate me but she can't hate me more than I hate myself.



Well, the truth is out now. Is Clarke angry at Bellamy or is he clueless? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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