Chapter 6 Second impressions

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Clark POV

I woke up feeling a strong need for caffeine. I threw on my robe and headed to the kitchen shaking my head as I remember last night.

Octavia's brother was cute but what a jerk! How she survived high school with him around was a mystery to me.

I flipped the switch to start the coffee and I headed to the shower.

I got dressed quickly throwing on my favorite black skinny jeans and a white tank top. I rub some gel in my hair deciding to let it air dry curly, realizing I don't smell coffee.

This is not good.

When I get to the kitchen a few minutes later it's obvious my coffee pot has gone to a better place.

I huff in frustration, throw on a blue flannel shirt over my tee, grab my keys and leave in my search for caffeine.

Bellamy POV

So after I pissed Octavia off last night I figured I better make it up to her so I went to get her favorite Chocolate Custard and Cannoli cake from the bakery down the street.

Since we still hadn't talked about last night I decided to bring her some hazlenut coffee too in apology.

As I stand in line waiting to place my order I hear the door chime again as I turn halfway around I see some familiar blonde curls stand next to me.

I cringe.
Hopefully I can make a better second impression.

"Hi Clarke. " I smile half apologetically.

"Hi Jackass" she retorts.

"Look, I know I deserve that after last night" I begin, " Will you let me buy you a coffee and try to apologize? Again? " I ask.

She looks at me unsure.

"Do you come here for coffee often? " I ask her changing my tact.

"First time" she admits. My coffee pot died and I really needed the caffeine. " she smiles ruefully.

"Ok, let me buy you the most unforgettable cup of coffee. You may even decide you want to come back again." I give her my charming smirk.
She finally nods. "Ok"

"Great, you grab a table and I will meet you. What do you want?" I ask.

"Surprise me " she smirks walking to a table by the window.

I decide I need to make a good impression, when I get to the front of the line I recognize the barista. "Charlotte, can you do me a favor? "


I walk to our table a few minutes later and present her with coffee and a pastry.

She laughs when she looks at it. Charlotte drew my apology in her coffee.

"Now will you forgive me princess?"
I ask with my best puppy dog eyes.

"Well definite points for creativity." She laughs again. "Why'd you call me princess?"

"It just seems to suit you. Friends?" I ask again, extending my hand.

"Friends" she agrees, taking my hand.

Octavia POV

Bellamy left soon after causing a scene in front of my boss. I am really lucky she didn't fire me over this.

Monty, Harper and Jasper stayed until closing but left after I gave Harper a wink so Lincoln could take me home.

I smile to myself as I climbed onto the back of his bike and we're off.

Lincoln and I are friends. It is slightly frustrating that despite all the time we spend together between work, and riding lessons he has made no move to change that.

It takes a minute for me to realize we are not heading to my apartment.

"Where are you taking me? " I ask.

"To grab some food, then I want to show you something."

There aren't a lot of choices at 4 in the morning, so we head to Mickey D's grab breakfast and Lincoln takes me downtown to Buckingham fountain.

"You do know I've seen the fountain before right?" I ask him with a smile as he parks his bike. I mean everyone has come here at least once.

He smiles back, "True. But have you ever eaten breakfast and watched the sun come up by the lake?"

I shook my head.

He grabs my hand, "C'mon..."

We sat and ate in the garden across from the fountain, then we tossed our garbage and walked across Lake shore drive. He grabbed my hand and we sat on a bench right by the Lake as the Sun started to rise.

Lincoln put his arm around me and pulled me in for a kiss just as the first rays of sunlight hit the water, his other hand cupping my cheek before finding it's way into my hair.

It was our first kiss and it was absolutely perfect.



Well our first Linctavia kiss....maybe Bellarke should take notes.

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