Chapter 10 The Morning After

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Octavia POV

Well after last night it's obvious to me that Clarke is attracted to Bellamy.

Normally my brother would be the one calling the shots, he's always had hid pick of girls, but knowing Clarke, she is more than capable of keeping him on his toes.

The very thought makes me smile.

"So that was your brother huh?" Lincoln asks interrupting my thoughts.

"Yep. I think he has a thing for Clarke"

"Probably." He responds, chuckling.

"You've known her longer, does he have a shot?" I ask curiously.

"If he doesn't screw it up. She's had it rough in the romance department. " Lincoln says seriously.

"Well my brother has a history, but he seems different with her. I hope they work out." I pause. "She won't break his heart will she?"

Lincoln looks at me before answering. "Not intentionally, but she is gun-shy, and for good reason."

I look at him expectantly, but he doesn't elaborate.

"Does he know about us yet?" Lincoln asks, changing the subject.

"I haven't told him I'm seeing anyone yet. No."

"Why not?"

"Well, he's a little bit overprotective and you are a bit older than me" I admit ruefully.

"I'ts only 8 years. Age is just a number anyway babe."
When I don't respond he continues. "You're going to have to tell him sometime." He smiles at me, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Soon. Ok?" I bite my lip in thought. "Hey, maybe you can come to dinner tonight? " I ask suddenly with a smile.

His face relaxes, " I'd like that." He plants a kiss on my nose before I head to the kitchen to start the coffee.


Clarke POV

I wake up in a fog before the memories of last night come flooding back. Then I panic. Oh my God! What the hell happened last night???

I have been roped into meeting Bellamy for coffee everyday this week!!!

I am so screwed.

Before I have a chance to truly panic my phone buzzes. Speak of the devil, it's Bellamy.

Good morning sunshine :)

It's too early Bellamy :p

I have a surprise....wake up!

What surprise?

I'll b @ ur place in 20.


My eyes fly open, shit! I still have bedhead and I have to get dressed!!!

I jump out of bed and race to get ready but I panic and call Raven instead.

"I love you, Clarke, but you better have a damn good reason for waking me up at this ungodly hour!" Her groggy voice greets me.

"He's on his way over with a surprise! What do I do?!" I squeak into the phone.

"Who?" She sighs.

"Bellamy! "

"The hottie from last night?"I hear the smirk in her voice.

"YES! Octavia's brother!"

"Do you like him?"


"Then what's the problem? "

"Isn't it too soon..?" I trail off.

"I repeat, do you like him?"


"Then its fine, now get up and get dressed, cuz we both know what you look like in the morning. Ugggh, I need my sleep!"

"Thanks Raven."

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up! Tic toc...!" She slurs the last word as she hangs up on me and I panic anew.

Crap now I only have 10 minutes!


Bellamy POV

I stopped at the coffee shop and picked up coffee and some pastries before I head to Clarke's. There was a line so it took me a little longer to get there but it still only took a 1/2 hour.

I ring the bell and she buzzes me up right away.

I hope she's not mad at me for just dropping by but I couldn't wait another day to see her.

I've got It bad.

When she opens the door to my knock, I am slightly stunned. Even in the morning she's gorgeous.

Her hair is slightly mussed and she is wearing these glasses that, I have to be honest, are kinda hot.

I hand her the coffee with a smile and hold up the box of pastries.

"I brought breakfast"

"It's the least you could do." She smirks and nods towards the kitchen.

As I set the box on the counter she stands next to me and reaches for a plate in the cabinet. Its just out of reach.

"Here, let me" I say, standing behind her I place one hand on her hip and reach for the platter with the other.

I get a whiff of her hair which smells like strawberries and I realize again I'm in trouble.

When I set the plate on the counter in front of her I don't move. She turns her head to look at me, smirks, kisses my cheek in a thank you and has somehow managed to step out of the circle of my arms while I stand staring like an idiot.

Smooth Bellamy, real smooth.



Sorry for the long update. I was really sick the last two weeks and I'm just getting over it.

So what do you think Clarke has in her past? Should Bellamy be worried? How do you think he will react to meeting Lincoln...?

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