Chapter 7 Sunday Fun day

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Octavia POV

Lincoln brought me home shortly after sunrise. I don't even remember falling into bed.

I woke up around ten to my phone ringing. "Hello?"

"Morning" I hear Lincoln's deep voice greet me.

"Lincoln? Good Morning." I curse myself for sounding breathless.

"Want to grab some breakfast? I want to show you something. "


"Ok, I'll pick you up in an hour. Ok?"

"Ok" I hang up and race to get ready smiling to myself.


I hear Lincoln pull up on his bike and after waving at him out of the window I run downstairs to meet him.

He greets me with a quick kiss before I climb on the back. I swear I will never get tired of wrapping my arms around him and feel the wind in my face.

We drive to a little street cafe where we grab some coffee and a pastry.
"So what did you want to show me?"

"Patience Octavia. All in due time. "

I only pout a little.

When we're done we hop on his bike and head over to his cousin's garage.

"Gustus" Lincoln greets him.

"Lincoln, and this must be Octavia? " he smiles at me.

I blush wondering what Lincoln had said about me. "Hi"

"Is it ready? " Lincoln asks.

"Yep. Right here. " Gustus points to a motorcycle.

"You're getting a new bike?" I ask Lincoln.

He smiles widely. "It's for you. "

I gasp. "Lincoln...."

His face falls, "You don't like it?"

"I love it, but it's too much...I can't afford it right now..." I trail off embarrassed.

He puts both hands on each side of my face. "Hey. Its ok. My cousin amd I worked out a deal. I'm going to work part time here to help pay it off.:

"But Lincoln...."

"Shhh. You need wheels babe. Dont worry about it ok?"

He gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Let me do this for you ok? If it makes you feel better pay me when you can."
"Thank you" I smile at him.

"Let's go try this baby out." He smirks at me.


Bellamy POV

Coffee with Clarke had gone surprisingly well. We may not be friends yet but at least I was pretty sure she didn't hate me. As I thought about the blonde I couldn't help hoping that maybe I could talk my sister into putting in a good word for me.

Now I just had to get Octavia to forgive me first.

It took me 20 minutes to get to her neighborhood and I was forced to park my car a couple of blocks away due to the time of day.

Well I guess it could have been worse. I thought, looking at my surroundings.

I grabbed the freshly ground coffee and the cake I promised her and walked to the door.

"Bellamy" she smiles in spite of herself.

"Hey O. How are you?"

"Good. Come on in. Can you put that in the fridge?"

I comply, while sniffing appreciatively. "Mmmm. That smells really good."

She smiles.

I give her a hug. "I'm sorry about last night O."


"No. I mean it. I didn't mean to embarrass you, its just you're my little sister and the thought of those guys learing at you like a piece of was the last thing I expected to see and I...I'm sorry. Okay?"

"Ok. Just don't let it happen again. I"m lucky she didn't fire me. I need this job. " she adds as she sets the food on the table and motions me to sit down.

"Are you okay? Do you need money?"

"No, Bell..."

"Octavia Marie Blake..." I try to control my temper.

"It's nothing. I got robbed a couple of weeks ago. No big deal. Okay? "

"No big deal?" My eyes widen as I try not to worry.

"Bellamy, I swear I'm ok. Monty installed an alarm system for me and a new bolt for the door. It won't happen again. Don't worry"

As I look into the eyes of my baby sister I realize she's not a kid anymore and no matter what I plan on saying to her, she won't come home. I can see the stubborn set to her chin and the steely flash in her blue eyes.

I sigh inwardly.

"Ok. Just promise you will let me know if you need anything? Don't make me worry. " I decide to let the matter rest for now.

I can see her visibly relax, "I promise Bell, now, lets eat before it gets cold!" She scolds me.

"Yes ma'am"

"Ma'am? I'm 21 not an old lady Bell. " she pouts.

We both dissolve in laughter and relax as we tease each other back and forth for the rest of the night.

I really missed my sister!



So Bellamy had apologized to both Clarke and Octavia, I wonder what will happen the next time he sees Clarke. Hmmmm Payback is a....

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