Chapter Twenty Six

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Nodding along to the music blasting in my ears, I pulled random items off the shop shelves into my basket. Liam had given me a list, and technically I should have been using it, but I didn't see the need. He'd said to pick up the basics: milk, butter, bread and cheese (I'd never seen someone devour a block of cheese before, and I could safely say it was not attractive) and then to pick up whatever I felt like. My craving of biscuits had now disappeared and I was onto meat. I was now about, for argument's sake, 24 weeks gone. Six months. And now I seemed to be heavily craving meat.

I had no idea if it was healthy, or if I should cut down, but it seemed useless. Every meal now contained something meaty – this morning I had some bacon with scrambled eggs. Lunch was a ham sandwich and I had no idea what dinner would be. I knew I had to cook though. Liam had taken Veronica and Cassie for a week away and left me alone. At first, I'd been a little insulted but then again, Liam knew how much I disliked Veronica. Cassie had calmed down. Ever since Christmas, when she'd found out I was pregnant and witnessed the issues of my mother... I don't know. She was more cautious. No. That's not the right word. It was odd. I guess, she realised I was more independent than she initially thought.

"In this world full of people, there's one killing me. And if we only die once, I wanna die with you. Ooh." I sang as I walked down the aisles. No-one was here. If they were, it didn't matter. I stopped though, when someone unthoughtfully ripped out my earphones.

Turning, I was ready to politely ask why someone had interrupted my guilty pleasure, but my eyes narrowed when I saw who it was.

"You won't hear anyone sneak up to you with these." Will said, looking smug and swinging my earphones. I snatched them back and shoved one back in.

"Because it's so dangerous around here." I rolled my eyes, and carried on walking. Hopefully, he'd lose interest. But I knew better. Unfortunately.

"You never know. There might be a wolf skulking amongst sheep." I snorted.

"I'm sorry, but since I've been here the biggest crime I've heard is that some guy broke into a granny's house. They caught the guy after a week." Acidity rose in my voice. Did I care? Not really.

"People harbour secrets. Especially Tristan." Not this again. I was sick of the jealousy between them. One was always upping the other. It was getting ridiculous. If they were animals, they'd be attempting to tear the other's throat out. It had gotten to the point, that I'd started going to the toilet for peace. Honestly! One time, I even contemplated taking my laptop. However, there was no plug.

"Will. Let me get this through your thick skull," I got on tiptoes and tapped on his head for dramatic effect, "I do not care about Tristan's secrets. I do not care about yours. You do not know what I'm capable of."

I tried to walk away, I really did. My plan was that I'd walk, grab some salami and minced meat, and leave the shop, head home and have a glass of some Appletizer to calm down. That didn't happen. Instead, I felt my wrist being grabbed.

Sharply turning, I practically spat, "Take your goddamn hand off me," to Will. He didn't. He raised his eyebrows and started to smile. Anger rose in me. I had an issue with certain people touching me, Will was included in this list.

"Or what?"

"Take. Your. Hand. Off. Me." I said each word with clarity. No mumbles, nothing. "Don't test me, Will. You wouldn't like it."

"Should I be afraid of the big, bad wolf?" He smirked, before coming closer to me. My protruding stomach was practically touching him. He was leaning down on me, as if we were about to kiss. If he thought that was going to happen, he was out of his mind. I mean, I knew I had the bad-boy type but Will more of an annoyance than anything.

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