Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

“This is my room.”  Beau said, sounding exasperated and slightly tired.  It's not like I didn't give him time to wake up.  I don't think breaking a window (in an already broken room, may I add) really helped either.  But I didn't really care.  It's not like breaking one window would cause them to crumble into poverty.  Please.  They had to be rich, especially if they had to look after the entire house.

“Erm.  It's nice?”  It was a plain room.  Something I loathed.  There were only a few photographs scattered around the walls.  The walls hadn't even been painted.  Still a boring white colour.  Although there were a few holes... they looked suspiciously like someone had punched them.  My eyes rose at the sight of them.  Did Beau have anger problems?

“Nice?  Psht.  I bet it's better than your room.”

“Nope.”  My room was getting better.  On my ceiling were glow in the dark stars and it'd been painted a navy blue.  The walls had paint splatters on them (we'd popped paint-filled balloons) and the floor... I can't exactly say what colour the carpet was any more.  I could tell you that it was littered with clothes.  “I'm pretty sure mine is the best room to ever exist.”

“Whatever.”  Beau stuck out his tongue like a child.  I just gave him a grin before letting my bag drop on the floor.  “Can we go and get food now?  I'm staved.”

“You're not supposed to be here.”  He said.  I rolled my eyes and let myself fall back onto the bed.  If I wasn't supposed to be here then why was I?  Where was the logic in that?

“I'm here already.  Can't do anything about it.  Anyway, I'm feeding for two.  You wouldn't starve an innocent baby, growing in me, would you?”  I fluttered my eyelashes and acted sad.  My voice was whiny by the end.

“Don't play with me like that.  And you already used that excuse last week.”  He narrowed his eyes at me.  Oops.  I forgot about that.  I stole his lunch because I didn't bring any in for me.  He couldn't have really stopped me even if he wanted to though.  If I was hungry enough then I would have taken in no matter what he said.  Luckily, his answer was yes.

“It's not really an excuse.”  I said and rubbed my belly.  “Is it, little one?  No, it's not!”  I cooed to my belly.  I heard Beau groan in the background.  A smug smile slipped onto my lips. I knew I'd won.  I just knew.

“Fine.  But you can't be seen, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, fine.  Whatever.  Let's go!”  I excitedly chattered before running out the room.  I was starving.  Throwing up my entire breakfast this morning didn't help my hunger either.

“Alright tubs.”  Beau snickered.  I turned around and glared at him.  I knew I may have been showing a bit (I had a bit of a bump.  It was bigger than I'd expected it to be...) but I was not tubby.

“Excuse me?”  Annoyance was thick in my tone.  The smirk on Beau's face was quickly wiped away and a small trickle of fear appeared on his face.

“N-nothing.  Come on, let's get you some food.”

“Yeah.  That's right.”  I whispered.  “Call me Tubs and you'll regret it.”  I saw Beau race in front of me, turn and raise his eyebrows before speedily walking off.  What the Hell was his problem?

I sighed and followed him to where ever he was taking me.  I wanted food.  I also wanted a rollie but it's not like that was going to happen any time soon.  How could I give up?  I mean, in an ideal world I could just not feel anything but this is reality.  And reality sucks.

Instead of being able to take in this corridor, I was forced to run to catch up to Beau.  Is it even safe for me to be running?  By the time I got to the top of the stairs, and he was at the bottom, I was holding onto the staircase and my stomach.  I was actually exhausted.

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