Chapter Twenty Seven

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"You did what?" Thom asked. Instantly, regret filled me and I hung my head in my hands. I wasn't exactly ashamed, but... no. Okay, scratch that, I was ashamed. While I didn't pride myself on being ladylike, spitting was disgusting. It looked horrible, and it was just... ugh.

"I had a basket in one hand, and he was holding my wrist." I offered as some sort of explanation. It fell on deaf ears.

"How could you be so stupid? He's an a-" Beau smacked him, hard, and his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he was about to say. I, on the other hand, sat there with my eyes wide, pretending as if I hadn't heard the slip up, "He's an arsehole. You don't know what he's capable of."

"Oh, and I take it you do?" I bit my lip, trying not to let my anger slip. It was still there, simmering away. But I was holding it in. Holding it in for Will. I knew that the majority of people let things slip when they were angry, and over the course of my sixteen (almost seventeen) years of life, I had perfected the art of angering people. Once you knew which buttons to press, it was as easy as pie.

"That's not the point." He sighed. "You're safe with us, he won't do anything. Especially not with Tristan around." I felt like screaming! Seriously? I didn't need a man to save me. It was nice having Tristan around, I wasn't going to deny it. Whatever we had, it was the closest thing I'd had to a boyfriend, but at the same time, I knew there always the chance of something going wrong. I'd lived a very independent life, I'd been in fights. I could look after myself. I was no damsel in distress.

"You guys seem to forget, you didn't know me before I was pregnant. You guys don't know what I'm capable of."

"And you haven't seen Will's." Could he really be that scary? I didn't believe it. "He's twenty, and done things you couldn't imagine."

"You guys remember what happened to Paul, right?"

"Marsy, that's diff-"

"That wasn't even my best." I rose my eyebrow at them. They still didn't look confident in me. Great.

"Paul's different. Look, you won't understand-" I groaned and pushed myself up from the kitchen table and walked away. I stopped, gasped and held onto the counter. I felt something thud against my stomach. From the inside. Oh. My. God.

"Marzipan?" Thom sounded worried, I turned to him, holding my belly and smiling. The initial feeling was weird, but it wasn't... unpleasant.

"I think she's kicking." I smiled and then gasped. Okay, it was kind of hurting. They were small sharp kicks on the inside. What was meant to be a smile, obviously had turned into a grimace as I pretended that I wasn't in pain. Were kicks normal this painful? It felt as if my insides were ripping themselves into two. "Oh..." I gasped, and held onto my stomach.


"Get Dr. Abbott." Thank God that they had a doctor on site. I'd never been more thankful for that oddity.


"I said, get Dr. Abbott now!" I shouted, looking Thom straight in the eyes. He flinched and nodded, signalling to Beau to stay with me.

"What's happening?" Beau ran over to me as soon as Thom left. He was holding me up by this point, one hand on my stomach, the other on my back. I was panting heavily, resisting the urge to throw up. This was probably the unluckiest pregnancy anyone had ever encountered.

"I... I feel like my insides are ripping inside out." I mumbled, a variety of colours starting to enter my vision. Everything was starting to become blurry, and my brain was droning Beau's voice out. I'd fainted enough times to know what was coming. And I let the darkness envelop me.

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