Ch. 48- Another Rebirth

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It was Tuesday, and Emilie wanted some fresh food from Borough Market after we were done with Oxford.

She decided to take me along, despite John's protests about the security risk of going to a crowded place. But Emilie was stubborn, so we went.

To my surprise, the market was almost empty, I mean it was still bustling and hustling with almost a thousand people, but it was emptier compared to other days. It hit me then.

I had been out of touch with reality since I moved in with Rhys. I had no idea what was happening in the real world. I was so consumed with my hospital duties that I had almost forgotten how to be a real human.

Emilie took a big bite of her five-cheese sandwich. I avoided eating something with too much cholesterol. We sat in one of the open stalls in the market where almost all the tables were empty. It was a sunny evening.

"Do you use birth control?" she asked me out of the blue. I was too stunned to answer her.

"I have an IUD... why?"

"How long have you two been 'dancing the devil's tango' for you to have an IUD?"

I sighed. "I've had an IUD since last year..."

"Why? Were you sexually active?" she asked, taking another big bite of her sandwich. I had no intention of letting her know that I took this decision out of fear of being raped and getting into unwanted pregnancy, so I decided to lie.

"Erm... no. I'm 30, so it's obvious..."

"Wow... you're so old." Emilie was flabbergasted. I burst out laughing hysterically.

"You don't look like you're thirty. You look like you're 21..." She tried to compliment.

"Well, thanks... I take it as a compliment," I said, taking a sip of my Irn-Bru.

But my curiosity peaked. "Why did you ask me about birth control?" I demanded. Emilie was stunned.

"I-I'm 17..."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. Her eyes widened.

She shrugged erratically, which gave it away.

"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend, are you?" I asked. Emilie dropped her sandwich on the table and hid her face.

"Oh no!! My dad will kill me!!"

"Why?" I asked. Emilie raised her head.

"Dad hates black people."


"My boyfriend is an Anubian refugee, living here in London."

I almost choked on my drink. "Girl, what the fuck!"

Emilie blushed and looked embarrassed. Then she showed me a picture of them on her phone. Her man was definitely handsome, but he didn't look too black to me. Maybe he was mixed.

"He's not black," I commented.

"He is from the Makhtoum tribe. They have lighter skin tones. But he's black, I assure you."

"Your dad owns Bin Makhtoum Oil Refinery... is there any link?" I asked, but the question made her visibly upset.

"Makhtoums were the second-largest nomadic tribes of Arabs. They are scattered everywhere in the Middle East and North Africa. My dad's refinery was built on their stolen land..."

I audibly gasped at her.

"But my dad is smart; he bought the land for a minimal price..."

"Where is this refinery now?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 27 ⏰

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