One | "Shut up stupid. "

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"Come skip with me. "

I looked over at the boy next to me flashing his pearly whites in hopes to win me over in this stupid idea.

I had just realized he had gone crazy.

"What the hell? No. "

He rolled his eyes at me and rested his head on the desk, obviously annoyed.

"Buzzkill. " He said loud enough for only me to hear.

"Shut up, stupid. " I slapped the back of his head. Not hard enough to actually hurt him, but enough for him to know to not be so fucking rude.

I was confused on why he would want to leave now anyway, seeing as this was the last period of the day.

But, if Chancelor Bennett was nothing else, he was confusing.

He grunted in fake pain as I tried to finish writing Mrs. Green's horribly long notes for the seemingly easy topic, the quadratic formula. All you had to was plug in your values into the equation and you easily got the answer. But, I was convinced that Green just liked to see us suffer, and waste our perfectly good notebook paper on some algebra that I would probably never use in the real world.

I ran my hands through my long black hair.

Maybe it's time for a cut? I thought to myself.

I was growing increasingly bored with it very quickly, as I did with most things.

Change is always good though, right?

"Ms. Parrish?"

My eyes met a slightly annoyed look on Mrs. Green's face also including the stares of many classmates to the back of the room where I sat. Meaning I did something wrong.

Oh God.

"Uh, yes?"

"We've been waiting for you to answer number 3 for the past he past 5 minutes. Hurry up. " Some white girl named Becky snapped at me, rolling her eyes.

Aw, she must not know I will personally snatch all of the oxygen from her body. Cute.

I shot her an innocent looking smile, making a mental note to attack her the next time Ms. Becky decides to comment on anything I do.

I looked down at problem 3, subsituting numbers into the equation, and easily getting my answer.

"X equals the set of 4 and -2. "

Mrs. Green nodded, before moving on to the next person she was going to give a problem too.

I looked at the clock in the front of the room, seeing there was only 3 minutes left in the period. I started to put my notebook and pencils back in the little bag I carried with me to all my classes. This earned me a dirty look from Mrs. Green and she called me out, again.

"Ms. Parrish, last time I checked we still had time left in this period, yes?"

I blankly stared at her. "There's 3 minutes left."


Ugh, this bitch.

"And, the bell is going to ring. So I'm packing my stuff. "

She moved her focus from just me to facing the rest of the class, with that same ugly scowl on her face.

"If I haven't pointed out to this class yet, the bell does not dismiss you, I dismiss you. "

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