Two | "Fuckboy."

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"Bullshit! How could they just end it like that!" I half yelled at the movie playing.

Chance looked up from his phone for a second, before going back to mindlessly texting whoever was that important.

I popped another piece of popcorn in my mouth, before the movies final credits played on the tv.

"Who are you even texting?" I asked, moving my head off his lap and up towards his phone only getting to see the contact name before he moved it out of my reach.

Which, by the way, was only the tounge emoji, followed buy 2 water drop emojis.

Really, Chance?

He looked at me and smirked. "Don't be nosy, Kehlani. "

"Just tell me who it issss," I tried to sound assertive, but it came out more as a whine.

"You wouldn't know her. "

"Yes, I would. "

"No, you wouldn't. "

"Yes, I would. "

"No, you would not. "

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Chancelor Bennett. "

He put that same little stupid smirk on his face before talking again.

"Kehlani Parrish. "

"Ugh, you're so annoying. "

I moved away from him, to the other side of the couch, and just pulled out my phone, starting to text Jahron.

Two could play at that game.

Jay started texting me about some football game that I had no interest in, but I somehow kept the conversation going.

That is until a piece of popcorn hit the left side of my face.

I looked up and saw Chance laughing at me, but pretending to go back to scrolling in his phone.

Oh, it's war now.

I grabbed a small handful of popcorn amd threw it at Chance, getting a bit of it stuck in his hair.

I bursted out laughing as an angry look appeared on his face.

Soon enough it was an all out popcorn brawl and it was not stopping until someone won.

Or until Chance's mom walked through the front door and got hit with the handful of popcorn thrown at me.


Chance immediately slumped down in the couch, trying to hid from his mother's wrath.

"Hey, Mrs. Bennett!" I said, my voice increasingly getting higher as I met her for a small hug.

"Clean this up. Now. " She ordered us, seeing the huge popcorn mess.

"Ok. " We said together, looking down.

Mrs. Bennett started to walk out, but not before hitting the back of Chance's head, causing me to laugh.

He rubbed the spot where she hit him in agony.

"Shut up. "

I just laughed harder.

"Aww, is the wittle baby hurt?" I pouted, causing him to glare at me.

I swept the popcorn of the floor and Chance cleaned off the couch.

"You do know that if you would've just told me who you were texting, none of this would have happened. "

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