Seven | "Who's that nigga?"

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It seemed as if Jahron and I breaking up, caused the whispers and rumors about me at school to increase by 10000.

I would walk down the halls and have to deal with the pointing and prodding, for a reason I still didn't understand.

It was super annoying.

Watching Jahron run around with a different girl every week, Brianna not talking to me because she thinks I'm too focused on Chance, and Chance not talking to me because I'm too focused on Jahron.

It was all just super annoying.

I walked out the school and into my car to make a quick stop to Chick-fil-A for lunch.

I drove down the street and into the parking lot of the fast food restaurant, and walked inside, waiting in the line to order my food.

"My bad, ma. "

A guy apologized, after accidentally bumping into me as he reached to grab his food.

"Oh, it's fine. "

"What's your name?"

"Oh, um, I'm Kehlani."

I spoke hesitantly, trying to figured out what this guy really wanted. But, since I haven't talked to my friends in a while, a little conversation wouldn't hurt, right?

"Edward. "

He akwardly held out his hand for me to shake, which I did so graciously.

"You from around here?"

"Yeah, I go to Oakland High. " I responded.

"Really? I go there too! I never really saw you around though."

"Well, since I'm a senior I don't have to take alot of classes so I'm not always in school. "

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'm only junior so I wouldn't know. "

He laughed a little.

"Next in line!"

The person at the counter called, reffering to me.

"Um, I guess I'll see you whenever. "

"Well, since we have the same lunch time, wanna just eat together and drive back to the school when we're done?"

"Oh! Sure, I mean, why not." I said slightly releived I wouldn't have to eat alone, again.


I quickly got my regular, a double spicy chicken delux meal, with Polynesian sauce and a lemonade.

I met Edward at the table he was sitting at, and talked with him while enjoying my lunch.

"So are you in a relationship?"

I sipped my lemonade, slightly raising my eyebrows.

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