Twelve | "Niggas. "

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I walked outside, looking for Kehlani's car, because she didn't go to our last class of the day.

I scanned the parking lot, looking for her big ass head with some long ass black hair. I swear the girl changes her hair up so often I can't keep up.

Soon, I found her leaning back against her car, talking to that darksin nigga she's always with.


Walking over to her car, I wiggled my arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck, inturrupting they're conversation.

"Hey babe," She smiled at me, and I gave her a Sup, in return.

"Did you ever get to actually meet Chance, Ed?"

"Uh, not really but-"

"I know about him. " I inturrupted.

"What does that mean?" He furrowed his brows.

I shrugged.

"Whatever you want. "

Edward through his hands up in surrender, looking confused.

"Look man, I don't even know you. I don't want any problems."

He put his hand out for me to shake, but that shit was just gonna stay there.

"Then stay away from my girl and we'll be fine. "


Kehlani called out in annoyance, causing me to roll my eyes.

I rolled my eyes, and I heard the ugly nigga laugh.

"I'll see you later Lani." He said before walking away.

I smiled a little, happy that he was gone.

I felt Kehlani push my hands off of her and she crossed her arms with a mad look on her face.

"Why would you do that?"

I sighed.

"Do what?"

"He's just my friend, Chance. I don't need you scaring away the people that I actually want to keep as friends. "

"He was too close to you. " I said shrugging.

"We were standing across from each other!"


She laughed, and shook her head.

"I don't see how you can get so jealous over someone you don't even claim. " She spoke, getting inside her car, annoyed.


I rolled my eyes.

"What are you even talking about?"

"I'm talking about how if I'm gonna stay your little secret, you don't get to get jealous over any guy that talks to me. "

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