Twenty | "I don't want you. "

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"Long time no see. " I heard a familiar voice call out as I was walking to my car after school to head home. My suspension was finally over, so I had to stay late to catch up on everything I had missed.

I turned around to see Jahron headed toward me. Great.

I rolled my eyes, trying to find my keys so I could end this conversation as quick as it started.

"You're not gonna talk? That's not nice. " He scolded as soon as we had gotten face to face.

"What do you want?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

"You. "

I sucked my teeth, and tried to open my car door.

"Why everytime I see you, you gotta act like this?" He said sternly, grabbing my hand away from the door.

"Get off of me. " I said, trying to pull my hand away but he wouldn't let go.

"I know you still want me, so let's just stop playing these games." He whispered in my ear, and gripped my waist tightly.

I shuddered, hearing him whisper another two words in my ear, "You're mine. "

I grabbed his hands, trying to pull them off my waist, but he just held on tighter.

"Stop." I started getting lowkey scared. "I have to get home. "

He tilted his head, trying to access my neck, but I pushed his head away, making him upset.

"Get off. I don't want you. " I told him in a shaky voice, looking around to see if anyone was around, but I didn't see anyone in sight.

The one time I stay after school for extra help, this us what I get.

"The fuck you mean get off? Stop playing with me before I really give you what you want. " He pushed me against the car, causing a thud sound as my back slammed into the side door.

"Hey! Get off of her!" I finally heard somone come out the school and see the situation, but Jahron's mood changed immediatly.

"Don't worry man, we're fine right babe?" He turned to face the guy, while tightly gripping my wrist and holding it behind his back, trying to get me to agree with him.

I slowly nodded my head, and the guy scratched his head and walked away.

"I'm gonna see you tomorrow, and you better get your fucking attitude together by then. " He whispered in my ear and lightly kissing it, before walking off to where he came from.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and got in my car, wanting to get home as fast as I could.

My phone started to ring and I looked over to see the Chance's name pop up.

I ignored the call, making a mental note to call him later.

I didn't want to talk to anyone, just wanted to get home and take 3000 showers to wash Jahron's stench off of me.


I threw the small plush basketball in the air, before calling Lani's phone again for what felt like the 12th time.

We had an English test tomorrow, and I has almost 50 percent sure I was going to fail. And since she was the smartest person in basically all of my classes, I knew that she would be able to help.

But for some reason, she wasn't answering her phone or any of my texts.

I shrugged it off, getting off of my bed to go downstairs amd grab a bag of chips and a soda can.

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