Nineteen | "You're still a virgin?"

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"You look like shit. "

I plastered a sarcastic smile on my face and sipped my drink.

"Thanks for the confidence booster, Ed. I can always count on you. "

"Sorry. It's just-" He stopped and sighed.

We were at Chick-Fil-A, and he asked me to meet him here during his lunch.

"You're just seem so, uh I don't know, sad or something. I know I haven't seen you in a while, but damn. "

I chuckled, looking out the window.

"What's wrong?" He sighed.

"I just - eh. Do you think I'm like being too hard on Chance?"

Ed paused for a second, leaning back in his chair.


"I don't know, just asking. " I shrugged.

"You still want him. "

I ate two of my fries, thinking.  "Nah. Chill."

He laughed, smiling at me. "Ooh, you do still like him! "

I lightly hit his shoulder in annoyance. "Why are you so loud!" I whisper- yelled.

"Girl, don't nobody even care about you, cut that out. "

I rolled my eyes, mumbling a Fine.

"And I don't like him, I just don't want to treat him bad- like he did try and like get Renee to leave me alone. "

"Just talk to him then. "

"See- I mean- the thing is-uhh-"

"Lani. "

"And say what?"

"Tell him exactly what you told me."

I sighed, and looked down at my lap.

"Lani, you have to remember, you and Chance have been friends since - forever. You can always talk to him, so what's the problem now?"

"Nothing. " I said, slightly whining.

"Good. So you're gonna go to his house as soon as we're done here, and we're leaving your car here just in case you wanna be slick and leave as soon as you get there. " He smirked.

"Ed! No, isn't he at school or something cau-"

"He didn't go today. Next excuse. "

"How am I supposed to be able to go home without my car? "

"After you guys are done talking, you can call me and I'll drive you back to get your car. "

"You're a pain, you know that?"

He chuckled.

"So are you. How many times are you going to cry about not talking to Chance when he is literally walking distance from your house?"

I huffed out a breath in frustration and ate some of my fries.

"Fineee. "

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