Seventeen | "Roughed Up. "

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"You got suspended for that?" Liv sucked her teeth.

"Exactly, and that bitch is still in school, probably still talking shit too." Brianna said, as she walked back in my room with three lemonades for us.

I laughed a little flipping my pillow into the cold side, since I was laying on it for too long.

"You're weird. " Olivia laughed after watching me.

"Shut up." I chuckled. "It's more comfortable this way. Are you guys gonna go back to school?" I asked seeing that they came over during their lunch period."

"Yeah I guess it's time for us to go back." Bri sighed.

"Byeeee!" I pouted slightly, hugging them both, before they left out.

I decided to just go to sleep, since I had nothing better to do and all my friends were at school.

I had gotten suspened for 5 days, 3 for fighting and 2 for 'putting Renee's life in danger'.


Since, Renee on the other hand, told everyone that I attacked her, she got to stay at school and tell everyone I'm 'crazy'. Stupid Bitch.

As soon as I almost got to sleep, my phone rang, signaling a text.

Liv👭- yoooo, Chance just bugged out on Renee ! - 1:29 pm

wait what? - 1:34 pm

Liv👭 - he like threw her against the wall and shit.

Olivia sent me a video she took of it, and I couldn't help but be upset. Yeah, I asked him to talk to her, not to try to fucking kill her, the hell?


I pulled Renee out of her class, so I could try and talk to her about whatever Kehlani wanted.

"Cut it out. "

I watched as Renee's face changed into a small pout.


"Why you try and play Kehlani like that?"

She furrowed her brows in confusion. "Whatchu' mean babe? I didn't do anything to that girl. "

I ran my hand over my face, feeling myself getting annoyed.

"So why she fight you then?"

"You have to ask her. She's probably crazy or something. "

I stepped back.

"You think I'm stupid?"

"No! Why would you-"

"Stop playing with me. "

"Fine. " She sighed. "Yes I said she was a hoe. But it was only because she was trying to break us up babe! You know that I need y-"

I laughed, realizing that she was crazy.

"Why are you laughing?" She made a sad face

"Let's make one thing clear. You, are not my girlfriend. I, am not your boyfriend. I have sex with you every now and then because I can. Don't ever try and question my relations with other people, because we aren't in a relationship. Clear?"

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