Twenty One | "I've missed you. "

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a/n: i know this isn't technically a Kehlani song in the mm, but it's featuring her so whateves. plus it's really good so enjoy.


I pulled up to the park, Edward in the car behind me, parking in the space next to mine.

I knew it was dumb to meet up with Jahron, but I wasn't that dumb, to go alone.

"You want me to come out?" Edward rolled down his window, asking in concern. 

"Nope, I'm good. Just- if you see anything, like bad-ish, come out. "

Edward nodded, and rolled his window back up, playing on his phone.

I mentally prepared myself to try and have a civilized conversation with Jahron, and stayed in my car for what seemed like an eternity.

I took a deep breath and finally opened my door to get out of the car, tugging on my jacket as wind instantly hit me.

Walking toward the swings where Jay sat, a took a seat next to him, not bothering to greet him.

It wasn't my responsibility to talk to this fucker. He wanted to meet with me, he was going to talk and get this over with.

"I was waiting a while for you to come out you car, baby. Were you scared?"

I could sense the smirk on his face, even though I refused to actually look at him.

"Don't call me that. " I retaliated harshly.

"You were always my baby, Lani. I'm not going to stop calling you it baby. "

I rolled my eyes, shuddering at the thought that I actually used to enjoy being in his presence.

"Why am I here?" I asked him finally, after minutes of awkward silence.

"Because. "

I sarcastically laughed. "Because. Yeah, thats the answer I wanted. "

"Chill the fuck out, and let me finish. "

I looked off at the empty park, feeling way out off place. This was supposed to be an escape for little imaginative kids, not a secret meeting place for exes in high school.

"I've missed you. " He said, and my breath hitched in my throat.

"I've missed you so fucking much, Lani. I felt so bad for how we ended, because you such a great girl and - will you fucking look at me?" He interrupted himself, angrily.

I breathed out, and shook my head.

I couldn't look at him. Half because I didn't want to and half because I couldn't.

He missed me?

No, it had to be a lie, right? He was just a stupid fuckboy that I was with for way too long.

I didn't need to look at him to detect his lies.

"Kehlani. " He said, anger laced in his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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