Fourteen | "I'm gonna kill him." [R]

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"Aw, you look so good!" I said as I entered Ed's room smiling.

Tonight was the Junior's dance, and Olivia and I just came from Bri's house to help her finish getting ready, so I knew that they were going to look great together.

"You actually do look presentable." Olivia spoke, with a suprised look on her face.

"Wow thanks. " He gave her a look that caused me to laugh.

"Oops. "

"What time am I supposed to pick up Bri?" He asked me.

"In about 45 minutes."

He nodded and looked at himself in the mirror again, sighing to himself.

I walked over to him.

"You nervous?"

"Pshh. Never that. "

I laughed.

"Sorry hot stuff, just checking. Cause by that sweat on your forehead it says otherwise. "

"Shut up. " He chuckled before his phone rang.

I sat on the bed, waiting for his conversation to finish. In the meantime, I just scrolled through Instagram liking random pictures.

That went on for a while before I saw a picture that caught my eye.

It was a picture of Chance's face smirking next to some random girls ass in red underwear. The caption was a simple '😏💦'.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"What is it?" Edward asked, he saw my face as soon as he got off the phone.

I showed him the picture, and a look of excitement showed in his face.

"That's you?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Hell no."

The look he had went away, quick.

"Oh, Kel I'm sor-"

"I'm going to kill him." I said with anger in my voice.

"Woah let's chill. Maybe that's an old picture?"

"There's no way in hell. He's accusing me of trying to get with other dudes, and 2 days later he puts up this shit! That bitch." I said almost to myself, shaking my head in annoyance.

Ed's mouth made an 'O' shape, and he looked like he didn't know what to say.

"Look, let's not worry about him alright? Today's the dance, I'm going to have fun, and you're going to go out and find someone better than Chance's bipolar ass. 'Kay?"

He held out his pinky for mine to latch onto.

I glared at it, feeling stupid for caring so much about someone who obviously had more options.

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