Fifteen | "Public Indecency. "

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2 Months Later.

My head laid in Olivia's lap as we watched Edward interact with his new boo during our gym class.

Since it was the start of the second semester, we got to switch our electives, so that Liv, Ed, Bri and I had more classes together, and less with Chancelor.

Thank God.

I saw Edward carry her bridal style over to the bleechers on the other side and kiss her forehead.

"They're adorable. " I sighed, wishing I'd find someone that was actually worth my time and cared enough.

"Eh, I guess. Nothing special to me. " Olivia says, and I pop her hand.

"You so evil all the time, you need someone to happy your ass up. " Her and Bri laughed, Brianna nodding in agreement.

"You're the evil one. " She rubbed her hand. "Hitting me and shit. "

I chuckled and closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep in this useless class.

"That's the adorable couple right there!" Bri said sarcastically, nodding towards Chance and some girl, Renae.


He was sitting on the same opposite bleechers as Edward, with the girl on top of him as they were making out.

"Isn't that like public indecency or something? His hand is grabbing all on her-"

"Brianna watch out!" We heard a voice scream as a basketball seemed to fly straight past her face, bounced of the back bleecher and roll back down.

Liv and I couldn't help but laugh while Brianna just cursed under her breath.

"I hate this fucking class. "

The boy who's ball it was, came up the bleechers to face us.

It was Charles.

"Dang, I'm so sorry, " He exclaimed with a small chuckle after it. "I really didn't mean too. "

Bri rolled her eyes and moved her hand in a 'shooing' motion.

"Um, ok. " He gave her a look. "Anyway, you never called me baby. " He said to me, which made the two girls raise their eyebrows in attention.

"Well, maybe I didn't want to. "

"Still playing hard to get? You boyfriend's gone baby, you're welcome on the playing field now. "

"Ha ha ha, you're so clever. " I said sarcastically.

"I get that alot. So, I might call you tonight. "

"And, I might not answer. "

He shook his head and laughed, before walking off.

"Why are you being so mean to him? He's cute!" Bri tapped my leg in shock.

"Well then, you have him. "

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