Thirteen | "You ain't shit. "

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"See, he's cute. " I said, showing Bri pictures of Edward, trying to secure their date for the dance.

We were out getting out nails done, just to do something since we were bored and hadn't talked in a while.

"Ehh. "

"C'mon please? It's not like you're going out with the guy, just to the dance. You guys will have fun."

She looked a little unsure, so I kept trying to convince her.

"You don't have anything better for you, y'know. "

"Wow, thanks."

"I mean, you should go to the dance, show yourself off all that. So why not just go with a new friend? "

She sighed.

"Alright, I'll go. "

"Good. "

I nodded.

"Soooooo," She let out a sigh.


"How's your bestie?" She asked, rolling her eyes, causing me to laugh.

"He's fine, I guess. "

"You guess?"

"I mean I haven't really talked to him in a couple days so-"

"Aw, but you love him!" She said in a screechy teenage voice, obviously poking fun at me.

"I get it, you don't like him. Done now?" I said, getting annoyed.

I guess she noticed my annoyance, and an apologetic look.

"Sorry. I just think he's an asshole but whatever. " She mumbled.

"Oh he is. " I laughed a little trying to lighten up the mood. "But, nobody's perfect y'know?"

"I mean, except me. "

"Yeah, sure. " I said, rolling my eyes.


I got to school and opened up my locker, grabbing everything I needed for 1-5 period. Once I closed it, I saw a tall, caramal, black haired boy at my locker, again.


"We meet again. "

"Yes we do. And your chihuahua of a boyfriend isn't here either. "

"Not my boyfriend. " I rolled my eyes, putting the school books in my bookbag.

"See, well that changes things. " He looked down at me smirking.

"Does it?" I smiled a little at his confidence, before starting to walk to my first period, him trailing behind.

"Well it means your single, so in that case-"

"It's complicated. " I inturrupted.

"Complicated doesn't equal 'in a relationship' baby. Let me take you out on a date. "

"Hmm, let me think about it. " I said, playfully making an 'intense thought' face. "No. "

Charles looked shocked, but that didn't stop him from pursuing.

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