Five | "It's Amanda, asshole. "

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I checked my phone looking for any texts from Chance.

He ignored me all day, and hasn't been responding to my messages.

"Are you expecting something?" Jahron asked, looking over at me while driving.


"Um, n-no why?"

He chuckled.

"That's the fourth time you've checked you phone in the past 30 seconds. "

"Sorry it's just," I sighed. "It's nothing. "

He continued driving, until we reached our date location, which just happened to be barren grass.



"Uh, you didn't bring me here to kill me right?"

He laughed.

"Of course not, now c'mon get out the car, I have a surprise for you. "

I hesitantly got out of the car, and Jahron and I walked hand in hand toward his 'surprise'.

When I saw the huge multicolored ballon sitting on the grass, I nearly freaked out.

"Oh my gosh! Jahron!"

He laughed.

"You excited?"

I grabbed both of his hands, reaching up to kiss him.

"Duh! I can't believe you got us a hot air ballon!"

"Only for you, babe. " He chuckles and I just can't stop smiling.

Once we finally reach the ballon, we are greeted by a red haired lady, who got us situated inside. A burner lights in the balloon and before you know it we're in the air.

"This is so cool. " I said in awe, looking down at the city.

Since it was just starting to get dark, I was able to look down and see Oakland light beautifully by street lights and the sunset.

"I'm glad you like it, Kel. " Jahron spoke wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and I laid my head on his.

This date was basically perfect.

I just wanted to stay like this forever.



My eyes opened, feeling arm wrapped around my waist and a head on my chest. I sighed pushing the person off me and shaking them awake.

"Aye, you have to get out of here. " I spoke in a tired voice.

The unrecognizable girl on me gave a sad and confused look, placing several kisses on my neck.

"But, I wanted to-"

I interrupted her mid sentence.

"Leave? Yeah, I know. Bye. "

She rolled her eyes, and got out of my bed. She shuffled around my room looking for her clothes scattered around, quickly throwing them on and leaving.

"Bye Alexa!" I called out sleepily.

She smacked her teeth.

"It's Amanda, asshole. " She spoke before slamming my room door shut and letting herself out.

I stretched my legs out, grateful for the newfound space in my bed.

Sex for me was always fun, but the 'cuddling' after was not. I didn't understand why girls feel the need to get all up on you after you've done your job.

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