Chapter 57 - If Only You Were Sober

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Duryodhan tried to take the glass of Sura away from Karna's hand. Karna let out an annoyed huff and pulled it to his lips. He poured the entire content down his throat and slammed the glass on the table.

Ashwatthama shared a worried glance with Duryodhan when Karna filled the glass again.

-"Mitra, I think that's enough for today." This time Ashwatthama tried to stop him from drinking anymore by putting his hand on Karna's arm. Karna shoved away his hand and drank the entire glass in one breath. The burn of the alcohol running down his system felt like nothing in front of the inferno in his heart.


After escorting Tiasha to her chamber that evening Ashwatthama bumped into a very anxious Duryodhan heading towards his chamber.

-"I don't know what happened, but a Dasi has just informed me that Mitra Karna has locked himself in his chamber with a pitcher of Sura. He refused to come out or let anybody in."

Ashwatthama's brows furrowed. A composed and level-headed man like Karna would never drown himself in alcohol if something were not very seriously wrong with him. 

-"Let's go" The two friends made their way to their third friend's chamber.

The guards in the doorway hesitated to let the two men enter at first but that was not enough of an obstacle for Duryodhan who bribed his way in. They saw Karna standing at the window looking at the night sky with a glass of sura in his hand. 

After that, he sat down with them and kept drinking nonstop. Slowly his eyes turned red, and his speech became a little slurred under the influence of alcohol, though he was not speaking much. He refused to open up and just continued to look into the void.


Ashwatthama wondered, if he was alone in his chamber would he have not done the same thing as Karna? Drown himself into drinking to forget the pain of rejection. 

He felt a little irritated. Karna is the one she was in love with. Karna is the reason she rejected him. He couldn't stop the rising bubbles of jealousy in his head. Why was the lucky bastard even drinking?

Ashwatthama cleared his throat. He tapped Duryodhan's hand who was trying to make Karna open up, to get his attention. 

-"Mitra Duryodhan, go get your Sakhi, she is the only one who can stop him now." Ashwatthama said. 

-"But, Ashwa, is it ok to call her at this hour and..." He looked at Karna who was pouring another glass of sura and then back at Ashwatthama. 

-"Go get her. I am sure she wouldn't mind and we are..." His eyes quickly went towards Karna, "We will be here so don't worry about it."

Duryodhan nodded and rose from his seat. As soon as he left a sardonic smile appeared on Karna's face. Ashwatthama passed him an annoyed glance and snatched the glass away from his hand. He finished the entire glass in one breath and kept it on the table.

-"There's no need to call her here." Karna said, irritation clear in his voice. 

-"What's gotten into you? Why are you drinking like you just got rejected by the love of your life?" He asked in a bitter tone. 

Karna started laughing, a very acidic laughter. "You know I would not want to hurt her even in my wildest dream, you know that, Right?" Karna asked.

-"Don't you try to change the subject. Just answer my question."

-"I didn't know you were this thick. Your acceptance means my rejection. Doesn't it?" 

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