Chapter 60 - The Lovers

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-"Why did you stop me today? Gandhar Raj needs to learn his lesson; I wouldn't allow him to keep insulting you like this," Karna said with a slight frown on his face. 

The two were standing under the shade of an old Ashvattha tree. Tiasha smiled softly. 

-"My father used to say, you can be vile, but that doesn't mean I cannot be honourable. 'One must be patient like the earth. What iniquities are being perpetuated on her! Yet she quietly endures them all.' Endurance is one of the many things that my parents taught me. They used to say it's your strength, not your weakness."

-"It can be harmful at times. Having the right amount of selfishness is important Tiasha, or else people like Gandhar Raj will crush you under their feet." Karna said holding Tiasha's hand.

-"Nothing remains unpaid in this world, he will learn his lesson, at the right time. And as for his insults, if you try to throw dirt at someone it's your own hands that get dirty first. He is making himself look bad trying to insult me..."

-"But..." Karna tried to protest.

-"Is this why you brought me here? To argue about Gandhar Raj of all people, if this is what you have planned, then I might as well go back to the Sabha." Tiasha pouted.

Karna laughed heartily. He said, "Well no, I didn't plan on arguing with you at all. I brought my Prayashi here to do some Prem-Sambhashan." He put his index finger and thumb on both sides of Tiasha's lips and pulled it into a smile.

Tiasha looked away blushing. She said softly, "You shouldn't have pulled me away like that, everyone was staring..."

-"Do you think I care about their stares? Let them, and I am not doing anything wrong, It's not like I was abducting you or something. I simply asked to leave in order to spend some alone time with my would-be wife, I didn't do anything wrong."

-"No you could never do anything wrong, after all, you are going to be my Pati-Parameswar." Tiasha said sarcastically. Karna laughed and pulled her into his embrace. Tiasha laughed with him relaxing in his arms.

Karna sat on one of the roots of the tree and pulled Tiasha on his lap. She gasped in surprise. 

She frowned in fake anger, "Ahh Haa, daring much, are we?" 

Karna smirked and kissed her on the cheeks dangerously close to the lips, making Tiasha's eyes go wide. His mouth moved towards her ears. He whispered in her ear, "I am a warrior, my lady, daring is my second name."

A shiver ran down her spine as shyness overtook her senses. She hid her face in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her. She inhaled deeply, feeling his scent enveloping her, mixing with her own. He smelled like the gentle rays of the sun on the Earth, enlivening.

-"I am starting to believe, it was not just a dream last night." Karna sighed.

Tiasha looked up into his eyes. She smiled gently, "You remember?"

-"Even if it was a dream, I would never want to forget it." He rested his forehead against hers. 


The Sun had almost completed his journey along the sky. Slanted crimson rays escaped through the dense leaves of the Ashvattha and created a beautiful design on the ground and the bodies of the two lovers. Karna rested his head on Tiasha's lap as she played with his Raven black locks. Their endless words and laughter flowed just like the water of Ganga. 

They didn't notice when Krishna came from the other side and stood there.

-"Ahmm, are you guys done?" He asked sweetly. The two of them shot up from their positions, their faces red in embarrassment. 

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