Instagram Chat

18 1 3

Erin checked her phone after breakfast.  She had seen that she had gotten a message over night. It was just Jeremy's girlfriend, Idena. She opened it. Saw that the message was sent at 1 am. Must be nice to be a night owl. She missed those days.

She looked at the message which went something like this: 

Hey, Erin! I want to apoligze for not showing up a few weeks ago. I got scared. 

Erin wrote back: Don't worry about it. It's okay; I get it.

Idena: Can we just talk here? I feel like I can't do this in public and I don't know you well enough to invite you over.

Erin: Sure. What's on your mind?

Idena: When you were with him, did you ever feel like he was controlling in any way?

Erin: Yeah, a little bit. If I didn't call or text back on something he wanted or if I didn't want know, but he did. 

Idena, thinking about this, thought it sounded familiar, said: Oh, I see.


And did he ever get mad if you talked to other men, but would call you inscire if you said that you don't like him flirting with other girls.

Erin: Yes.

Idena: Did he ever let you shower alone?

Erin: When I was not staying over at his house, otherwise when I was with him at his place or staying over at one of his family members place, I had to shower with him.

Idena: I see. 

Idena thought about all this for a second. Knowing that it wasn't something in her, that he was picking on, he did it with a lot of women and it's ashame. She looked down at the blue brouse on her thigh from when he kneed her in his sleep. It wasn't like he did it on purpose, but this is still bad and she had to leave him. 


Idena:  Thank you, so much Erin. I do owe you a coffee or whatever you like to drink sometime. There's just something I have to do first.

Erin reads this and types.. Sure. Take care. I mean that.

Idena: Thank you! 

Idena got off the Instagram app and FaceTimed called Jeremy. He picked up much to her surprise. "Hey babe." 

Idena looked at him and after a moment said: We need to talk.....

A/N: Hope you all are having a great week as always! -Dreamcast45

Falling for a Demisexual-Taylor Zakhar PerezWhere stories live. Discover now