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            Brendon's p.o.v

"Ok Brendon, you are all set to leave." The nurse smiles at me and my family. The sickly sweet nature of her smile only comforts me so much.

After waking up from the drug induced sleep, no one was in my room or anywhere to be found. I called the nurse into my room and she told me that they were checking me out at the front desk. Thank goodness!

"Come on baby, let's get out of here." My mom places her hand gently on my shoulder and gives me a loving look. Honestly, she probably wants to get out of here just as much as I do. 

I nod to her and follow behind her and my father with Ryan by my side. He doesn't seem the least bit annoyed by my slow pace and stays right next to me. Although I wish he would look up at me instead of the ground, it feels good just to have him here with me at all.

My mom and dad get in the elevator to go downstairs but because of my stupid crutches. Ryan and i wait for the next one together.

"Thanks Ryan." I wish my words could show more of how much gratitude I feel for Ryan, but words can only do so much.

My chest is filled with so many emotions I can't really define, but one definitely stands out more than the rest, love. I love the boy standing next to me, but I'm not sure what that means yet. I'm not gay, and I know that, but Ryan makes me feel different in a way words just can't explain. I never should have said I was gay in the first place. I was just confused. I can't be gay.

"For what?" His perfect brown eyes finally meet mine and they are filled with confusion. That's another thing I love about Ryan, all his emotions are displayed and easy to read in his eyes. Essentially, he's an open book.

"For being there for me." My hand finds it's way to Ryan's shoulder and sparks shoot through me. This feels wrong, but how can it be? It's just two friends comforting each other. Or is it more? No. Stop thinking like that. You're not gay.

Ryan doesn't respond, but i can see the thoughts swirling through his head. I wish I could see inside his brain. See what he's thinking, what he thinks about me. But we all wish, that's the problem with the world. We all wish for stuff that will never happen.

The elevator dings and opens it doors. After three people come out, I maneuver my way in, resting my crutches on the wall and leaning back against the cold steel. A million thoughts swirl through my head but they move too fast for me to understand any of them.

Since Ryan is silent it gives me a moment to just think, figure out what's going on. Two days ago I was scared for my life, scared that I may not make it out. I had lost all hope of getting home, but somehow I always came back to one thing.

My family is looking for me, Ryan is looking for me. Ryan. No matter how bad it got, I always had hope in those three people.

Guilt stills weighs heavily on my heart. The last thing I did was fight with my best friend. What if I had died? And when did I start calling Ryan my best friend? But that's what he is, isn't it. He looked for me when none of my other friends did. He was really there for me even if I did make him made before.

I need to tell him what he is to me before it's too late.

My thoughts are cut short by the shrill ding of the elevator telling me it's time to get off.

"Here." Ryan offers me his hands as he grabs my crutches and puts them under my arms. Once he is sure that I've got them, he get out of the elevator and makes sure nothing is in my way. I walk off the elevator and am greeted by my parents.

They just give me a couple concerned looks, but walk ahead of me again to their car.

"You know Brendon, we would never have been able to find you without Ryan's help. He was there every second." My mom turns back and smiles at us. The smile should have given me some comfort but it just makes my stomach explode with butterflies. I was right. He was the only one there for me.

love never dies (a ryden fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now