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Brendon's P.O.V

    "Brendon?" Ryan looks up at me through his lashes and retracts his arms from around my waist, a worried crease working its way into his brow. I turn on my side and face him, questioning why he retracted himself.
    "Yes?" The spot where Ryan's hand had been resting since he confronted me earlier goes cold at the loss of contact. His tone is worrying me so I rest my hand on his shoulder lightly.
    "Please don't think less of me, you have no idea how hard it is." He rubs his wrist self-consciously and looks into my eyes. Confused, I sit up on my elbow and look deeply into his eyes.
    " How hard what is?" I gently move my arm down onto his but he quickly pulls away, tears forming in his eyes. His reaction worries me more and I sit up quickly.
    "I-i just wanted to be normal." He says as tears stream down his face and feed my confusion. I have no idea what he's on about but it must have been a big deal.
    Before I can ask what he means he looks into my eyes. "I kissed a girl last night."
    The words rip through my body and leave me numb. Before I can stop myself, I jump out of the bed. My cast slips on a pile of clothes and I fall to the floor, tears starting to fall.
    "Brendon!" Ryan calls desperately as he runs over to me and tries to touch my arm.
    "D-don't." I pull my arm away and push myself off the floor, crawling into the bathroom. Sadness overcomes me before I can close the door and I collapse onto the cold tile.
    "P-please...I didn't mean to hurt you. She made me do it." His breath catches as more tears stream down his face. My heart wants him to stay but my head tells me to make him go.
    Ryan walks towards me and kneels by my side. Before I realized what he was doing and could stop him, Ryan leans down and forcefully pushes his lips on mine.
    I try to pull away but his lips are so sweet, so comforting. No. He hurt you, he has to go at least for a little while.
I push him gently off of me and look into his eyes. "I thought you love me Ryan." His face falls even more.
    "I do. I swear I do." I shake my head and stand, balancing on my one leg. Maybe I'll eventually be able to forgive him, but I definetely can't right now.
    "Get out Ryan." His eyes plead with me and it tears a hole in my heart, but I have to do this. I point towards my door and he hesitantly gets up.
    With one more look at me, Ryan leaves my room and I don't breathe until I hear the front door slam.
I hobble back to my bed and fall back onto it, grabbing my phone from under my pillow.
     Opening Pete's contact I send one text.
     I need you.
    "I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you." Pete sighs as I finish my retelling of the events that had just played out.
    I don't answer him, I just stare up at the ceiling. The hurt inside of me won't let me see that, won't let me forgive him though I know he hasn't really done anything wrong.
    "What are you going to do when you see him at school tomorrow?" I sit up and look at him. Shit. I hadn't thought of that. What am I going to do?
    Ignoring him might work but I don't want to hurt him. Maybe avoiding would work better.
    "I don't know man. I just hope he doesn't tell everyone I'm gay." The thought had occured earlier but I pushed it away.
    He wouldnt do something like that. He knows how much that scares both of us. Plus, exposing me would also expose him.
    "Being in love with you would be so much easier." I state plainly and Pete laughs with a little hurt in his eyes.
    "Yes it would, but Ryan is worth the trouble as much as it pains me to say.
I smile at him. He is really my only friend that has stuck with me through this whole mess, the only one who was really there for me.
    And though it may not be in the way he wants, I do love Pete.
    I have sucessfully avoided Ryan all day but I can't avoid the next class we have together, study hall.
    With Pete carrying my books, I walk into study hall and sit at my normal table. The same table I sat at eith Ryan not too long ago. A pang hits my heart but I ignore it.
    "Thanks man." Pete nods at me and leaves for his next class. I look around cautiously but there is no sign of Ryan. I'm relieved but also a bit worried, where could he be?
    Pushing aside any thought of him, I open my notebook and start writing.
Thoughts pore from my head onto the paper. Rhymes form and soon I have another song written. That makes 10. I look at my phone for the time. Only ten minutes left in class.
    I look around again and Ryan still isn't here. Even though I'm supposed to be mad at him, I can't help but worry about him. What if his mother did something to him?
    "Hey Brendon, its time to go." Pete walks up to my table and grabs my books. Perks of having a broken foot, I get to leave classes early.
    "Thanks man. I was thinking of skipping lunch and just going home." Pete looks panicked and quickly tells me no. Worried because Pete never acts like this I look at him.
    "You can't skip lunch. I know you, if you go home now you won't eat. You are still weak, I'm not letting you not eat." He does have a point, I wouldn't eat if I go home so I shrug and follow him to the cafeteria.
    I go to sit in my normal seat but Pete stops me and leads me to a different seat. "Um I wanted to sit there today." He smiles at me.
    After placing my crutches on the side of the table I look down at the table and see a piece of paper sitting there.
    I pick it up and start to read it.
Brendon, meet me in the auditorium. I know you don't forgive me yet, but you will. Ser you soon, Ryan.
    Confused, I show the note to Pete who just smiles. "Have fun man." I realize now that Pete was in on the plan the whole time.
     Though I want to yell at him, I can't bring myself to do it. He is just trying to help anyway.
    I pick up my crutches and, with a smile on my face, leave for the auditorium. It's a slow long walk to the auditorium as my heart beats loudly through my whole body. What could Ryan be planning?
    Opening the door, I look around cautiously before stepping inside. Ryan isn't anywhere to be found but there are some lights sparkling on the stage.
    I walk down the aisle and up the stairs onto the stage where my breath catches. A blanket is spread on the floor with candles placed all around. In the middle of the blanket lays a picnic basket with my favourite foods in it.
    I sit on the right side of the basket and lay the crutches next to me. Before I can call Ryan's name a song floods the room, a song I know very well.
    I smile as the familiar sounds of october flood my ears. Ryan walks out from back stage with something behind his back. His smile almost shines brighter than the candles.
    "So um, I know this song is about a boy and a girl, but Pete told me it was your favourite." He smiles anxiously and rubs the back of his neck.
    "This is so beautiful Ryan." He smiles at my words and puts down whatever is behind his back out of my sight. Reaching into the basket, he pulls out a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich for me and a chicken sandwhich for himself.
    "Pete told you this was my favourite as well?" I cant help but smile as he nods his head. I unwrap the sandwhich and take a bite, savouring the taste of the sweet jelly.
    "You um...you have something." Ryan leans in and licks my bottom lip. Then he gently pulls the sandwhich from my hand and climbs onto my lap.
    There is no protest from me as he connects his lips to mine in a kiss that defies all logic. My body is on fire and freezing all at the same time. Chills run down my spine as pleasure fills my body.
    I pull him closer to me and run my hands up his back, causing him to bite my lip gently. Though I want this kiss to last forever both Ryan and I are losing our breath quickly.
    Too soon he pulls away and looks at me, his eyes holding nothing but pure love and adoration. Without getting off of my lap, Ryan reaches back and gets the object he had been hiding.
    It's a ring box. "Brendon, though it has been very hard for me to admit, I am in love with you. I'm finally okay with saying that. I will scream it to the whole world if I have to. What happened with that girl meant nothing to me and all I could think about was you. Will you be my boyfriend?"
    He opens the box and inside is a beautiful silver ring shaped like the old Greek crowns. I pull it out and place it on my finger, a smile on my face and tears in my eyes.
    "Yes." He smiles so wide it looks like it hurts and attacks my lips again, this time harder. My breath is taken again and he kisses me passionately.

(A/N sorry that this chapter is kinda suky, but Im trying to update more! Comment if there is anything you guys think I can do better or any ideas for the next chapter. Oh and October is by one of my favourite bands, Shatterproof. Check em out, they are amazing.)

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