stuck standing there

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after ryan leaves, i stand in the middle of the bio room, dumbfounded.why did he just up and leave like that? my heart rate picks up as the warning bell rings throughout the school, i only have 5 minutes to get to class. i grab my bag and walk out the door, going to my last class of the day,study hall.

i walk into the library and see a group of students huddled together, laughing at something i cant see. i just ignore them and walk to my regular table in the back of the library, setting my bag down and sitting in one of the seats.

"b-brendon?" i barely hear someone's voice call my name, and i look up to see ryan standing above me, a sad expression taking over his face. "what's wrong ryan?" i ask and pat the seat next to me, so he sits down and pulls a paper out of his pocket.

"this is what those kids are laughing at." ryan says as he shoves the paper in my face and waits for me to read it. i take the paper and read it over, gasping at the words printed on it. brendon urie, gay? yes. dating a freak? yes. popular? not anymore. in the middle of the poster is a picture of ryan and i hugging.

it doesnt really bother me, but when i see ryan crying, it digs a little deeper into my heart. "what's wrong ryan?" i ask as i rub his back lightly, i hate to see him sad. "t-they think im gay. they can't i just, i tri-" he can't finish his sentence, thats how hard he is crying now, and i have no idea why.

"what? what's wrong?" he looks up at me and wipes his face, leaving red marks where his sweater just sweapt. "they think im gay, brendon,this can't be happening again." tears start streaming down his face again and i find myself wiping them away with my thumb.

"it will be alright." i say and give him a hug, just as a group of students walks by my table. "ryden,ryden,ryden." they chant and make kissing faces as they walk by my table and then disappear into the halls. that little incident just makes ryan freak out more and he starts sobbing into my chest, staining my shirt with tears.

"come on, let's get you out of here." i say as i stand and pull ryan up with me, never once letting go. he walks with me as i exit the library and walk out to my car. "w-we can't l-leave." ryan says through his sobs and i find my heart doing a little flip in its place.

"yes we can, this is the last class of the day and they dont care if we're here or not. come on." ryan slips into my car as i open the door for him, then i circle around and get in the driver's seat. "my house?" i ask as i turn the key in the ignition and as soon as he nods, i start the car and peel out of the parking lot.

the whole ride to my house is silent, except for the few sniffles coming from ryan. "ryan, look, i-" i can't finish my sentence because ryan starts sobbing again, taking shallow breaths, when he decided to breathe. "we are here, please calm down, it will be alright." ryan wipes his face and sniffles before nodding and getting out of the car.

"come on, we can go to my room." i lead ryan through the house and into my huge room. a gasp sounds from ryan as he looks around at everything in my room. i watch his eyes wonder in amazment right before they land on my recording studio in te corner.

he slowly walks over to it and picks up one of the guitars, smiling as he touches the strings slowly. "do you play?" i pick up a guitar too and sling the strap over my shoulder. "a little." he admits sheepishly and sets the guitar back down on its stand.

"no, go ahead, i don't mind." his face fills with glee as he picks the guitar back up and slings the strap over his shoulder. "here, plug this in." i hand him the input chord and plug into the amp, along with mine."i'im not much good." he stutters as he pulls the pick out of the strings and turns the guitar up.

"neither am i, just go for it." i say as i do the windmill thing and hit the strings, earning a chorus of vibrations and loud noises from the amp. ryan's face turns serious and he stops for a moment, probably thinking of what he's going to play. suddenly a smile spread across his face and he starts to strum the guitar.

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