our song (edited)

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Placing a smile at the perfect event,

Gracing your skin with the side of my hand.

if I ever leave I could learn to miss you

But "Sentimental Boy" is my nom de plume

Let me save you, hold this rope

I may never sleep tonight,

As long as you're still burning bright.

if I could trade mistakes for sheep,

Count me away before you sleep.

I'll stay awake till I trade my mistakes

Or they fade away

I feel marooned in this body

Deserted, my organs can go on without me.

You can't fly these wings.

You can't sleep in this box with me.

Let me save you, hold this rope

I may never sleep tonight,

As long as you're still burning bright.

if I could trade mistakes for sheep,

Count me away before you sleep.

I'll stay awake till I trade my mistakes

Or they fade away

So, let me save you

hold this rope and I'll pull you in

Cause I am an anchor

save her or Feel it sinking in

Let me save you, hold this rope

I am an anchor, sinking her

I may never sleep tonight,

As long as you're still burning bright.

if I could trade mistakes for sheep,

Count me away before you sleep.

I'll stay awake till I trade my mistakes

Or they fade away

I look down at my notebook sheet and smile to myself at the ink smudged words scrawled across the pages. I finally found the perfect way to end the song I have been working on for weeks now.

Happy with the results, I close the notebook and shove it in my backpack, taking out the one I am currently supposed to be taking notes in. For the first time this class period I look up at my teacher.

To my surprise, she is looking right at me. The kids around me look at me expectantly and some snicker at my expression that I'm sure is close to a deer stuck in headlights.

"Well," She says, full of attitude. "What's the answer, Mr. Urie." The board behind her is chalked full of notes she had written and I scan it to try and figure out what we are talking about. The board doesn't help and I'm just as lost as before.

"I'm sorry miss, but I don't know the answer." I can't help the smirk that crawls slowly onto my face. She tuts her tongue and turns back to the board, pointing at a bulleted list.

"The answer is 5 years in prison. You better start paying attention." Her eyes hold the fire of annoyance and I can tell this time I've really done it, but that just makes me happier.

As Mrs. Gasgow turns back to continue her lesson, the bell rings its shrill sound and the students around me pack their things into their backpacks. I start to follow suit but Mrs. Gasgow walks over and stops at my desk.

love never dies (a ryden fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now