with envy

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Brendon's P.O.V

    Sleep weighs heavily in my eyes causing them to droop every couple of seconds. I turn the radio up, now blaring whatever my mom left on the radio. I'm only five minutes from my house I only have to stay awake long enough to park the car. 

    Red lights bleed to green and I roll through the last intersection before my house. My eyes are drooping again but a loud blaring horn wakes me up just in time to see a car coming straight for me.

    A moment of indecision is too long and the car t-bones mine, the force causes my head to slam into the airbags that are deploying. The world slows as a jolt of excruciating pain rips through my skull.

    Seconds feel like hours as my car slides into the sidewalk on the left side of the road. The other car is still close to mine but I can't see the driver.

    "Are you ok sir?" A tap on my window startles me.

    A woman no older than 45 looks into my eyes, but the words falling from her lips fall upon deaf ears. I reach around and unbuckle. I need to see the damage for myself. Despite the pain in my head, I get out of the car and stumble to the right side.

    The whole door is crushed in and mutilated. I look around and find the car that hit me, the driver is still in the front seat though the whole front of his car is crumpled up. 

    "Sir!" The lady screams and I finally hear her. Her cold hand grasps my forearm, preventing me from moving forward.

    Not understanding what she is doing, I pull my arm away from her and go to the other car. The driver isn't moving so I tap on the glass. He sits up and looks over at me, his eyes wide in terror.

    I pull the door open and the man just sits there, shock clear in his face. Once again the woman has caugh up to me and grabs my arm.

    "Sir, I'm a doctor you need to sit down and wait for the ambulance." She tries pulling me over to the curb to sit but I pull away and stay where I am.

    "I'm fine but we need to take care of him." The words sound fine to me but they must have been slurred because the woman wrinkles her face.

    Without another word, she grabs her phone and calls 911.

    "Two were involved, one teen and one adult. The teen is in bad shape we need to get him to the hospital as soon as we can."

    While she is distracted I walk back to my car, looking for my phone. I need to call Ryan. As I look for my phone the pounding in my head doubles. I rub my forehead while I locate the phone and grab it.

    Taking my hand back to dial Ryans number I see dark red blood coating my hand. I ignore it for now and dial Ryan's number anyway, anxiously listening to the ring of the phone.


Ryan's P.O.V

    Just as Lizzie hits play on Netflix, I get a call from Brendon. Without a second thought, I walk out onto the porch and answer.

    "Brendon?" There isn't an immediate answer from him, just heavy breathing and the sounds of sirens in the distance.

    "Ryyyy." He keeps talking, but his word are so slurred I can't understand anything he is saying.

    My heart picks up speed and my arms go numb. The worst instances run through my head about what is wrong with Brendon. The sirens grow louder in the background and I can now hear a woman talking to Brendon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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