no pain, no gain

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okay, so this was going to be a happy tale of unbelievable love, but i had to go in this kidnapping direction. now i know my other story is the same way, but i promise this plot wont be the same, not in the slightest. i just feel brendon and ryan need this obstacle for their realtionship.

soooooo lets get to the story! yay

ryan's p.o.v

i don't know why i got so mad at brendon, but i feel bad for it, i mean he was the only person who wantd to be friends with me. now that i think of it, i shouldnt have gotten mad at all, i mean ok, he's gay, but why is that such a big deal?

as i walk back to my house, im faced with my own thoughts, and they are scary. you jerk! its good you left brendon, you dont deserve any friends. maybe you should just go back to not eating, maybe people willl like you then. just. die.

i shake my head ad i walk, trying to shake my head clean of these wretched thoughts, but it doesnt work and they continue to taunt me, all the way home. i open the door and scurry inside, quickly running up to my room and closing the door.

luckily my mom doesnt get home from work until 6:30, and it's only 4:30. my thoughts finally get the best of me as i set my backpack down on my bed, and i decide i need to call brendon and apologize. i pull out my phne, going to one of the two contacts in my phone and hit send, calling brendon.

"hey, its brendon, please leave a message." brendons voice mail floods my ears and i can feel my heart falling. maybe he is ignoring me, not that i dont deserve it, i do. i call again, praying that he'll answer this time, but again, he doesnt answer.

after three more attempts, my spirit is broken, but i still have one thing i can do. i grab my key, throw a jumper on and make my way downstairs and outside.

its a 4 block walk to brendon's house, and it takes me at least 20 minutes to finally reach my destination. when i walk up the stone path way, something strikes me as odd, very odd. brendon's front door is slightly ajar, showing the smallest crack of the entryway.

i walk up the steps, and push the door lightly. the door swings on it's hinges and makes a light screeching sound. i step inside, gasping at the mess that greets me. everything is on the floor, i mean everything, lamps, papers, tools, guns. i gingerly step over the .45 laying on the floor and walk further into his house.

the sheer destruction squeezes my lungs, wheedling the air from my lungs. "brendon?" i yell with the loudest voice i could muster, but get no response but the silence that covers everything. "brendon?!" this time i yell louder, but still get no response.

fear is a funny emotion, simply because it presents itself in the oddest of ways. some people when the get scared, scream, others do nothing. sometimes fear is a monster set on destruction and takes anything and everything you need and then laughs as you lay dying.

right now, that monster is presenting itself, loud and obnoxious. it rips the air from my lungs and the sense from my mind, leaving me, a vulnerable little boy. as i stand there, i can hear the jeers of the monster, the chuckles turning into full blown laughs, but i ignore them.

as i snap out of my paralaysis, some of my sense comes back, well, at least enough to tell me to search the house or run. see, there is a huge part of me that cares more about other people than about me, so with brendon in mind, i go searching.

love never dies (a ryden fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now