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Ryan's P.O.V.
    The rest of the school day my chest is full of happiness and I feel as if nothing can bring me down. That is until I get on the bus to go home.
    I haven't seen my mother in 3 days and I'm sure I will have major hell to pay. Fear creeps into my bones as the bus starts.
    I pull my phone out quickly and text Brendon I love you. Instantly he texts back and my fears are put to rest for the moment.
    The anxiety still won't go away though as I think of what might happen when I get home.
    I pull out my ear phones and play The Bird and The Worm, the only song that can calm me down. Singing along, the rapid beat of my heart slows down a tad. Music and Brendon are really my only reprives now.
    The bus comes to a stop and the doors open, causing my heartbeat to become erratic again. Just a few steps to my house. With weak knees I take the steps and open my front door.
    "Ryan? Is that you?" My mom's voice sounds sober for once and I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.
    "Y-yes?" Now my hands are shaking as if I just got in from a cold night. I'm still not sure about this, but I slowly walk into the living room where she is laying on the couch.
    My earlier assumption of her being sober is shattered like frozen glass as I see four beer cans sitting on the table and a fifth in her hand.
    "Where have you been boy?" She looks away from the tv show she is watching and looks at me, her eyes already glazing over.
    "" Immediately after I said it, I regret it as she frowns angrily.
    "Don't be smart with me." She stands and I unknowingly step back, shivering. She chuckles at my fear and sits down, waving me away.
    Taking a relieved breath, I walk through the hall to my room, stopping and looking at the pictures in the hall.      My favourite picture catches my eye.
    My mom stands to my right and my dad to my left, all of us smiling. That's back when they really loved me, before my father did what he did. Before my mother became an alcoholic. I miss those days.
    With the past on my mind I walk into my room and quietly close the door. I pull my phone out again and text my boyfriend.
    Butterflies fly through my stomach at that thought. Brendon is actually my boyfriend. Pure joy is all I can feel when I think about him, about us.
    Hey Brendon, how are you?
    Before I get his response my mom storms into the room, steam practically blowing from her ears.     Fear takes me over and I can't even ask what is wrong, I can't talk at all.
    "Why is your school calling and telling me you didn't go to class today?" Her words are less of a question and more of a threat.
    She reaches to the front of her pants and undoes her belt, pulling t from the loops. Knowing what is coming I back into the corner of my room.
    "Shirt off. Now. You think it's a good idea to skip school you need to learn a lesson." My mom wraps one end f the belt around her hand to get a better grip. Tears start streaming down my face like the first time she ever hit me.
    "P-please no." My pleas just anger her more and she walks towards me, her steps menacingly slow. Swinging the belt, she hits my left cheek, hard and it sends me sprawling face down onto my bed, my hand covering the new wound.
    Angrily she rips my shirt over my head and starts whipping me with the belt.
    "We didn't raise an ungrateful bastard, how did you become one?" She hits twice as hard and I can't contain the scream that comes from my mouth. The strike to my back distracts the pain from my face and I finally pull my hand away and see the blood covering it.
    Another ten hard lashes cut into my back as my mom works her anger out on my back. She pauses for a moment, looks at me and loses interest. She wipes the belt on my bed sheets and pulls it back through the loops of her pants.
    Without a word to me, she leaves, slamming the door after her. Pain rips through my body angrily as I weep into the sheets.
    My phone buzzes above my head. I reach to grab it and dirupt the wounds, causing me more pain. I feel blood steadily driping down my sides.
    My vision starts to go black around the edges but I roll on my back anyway ignoring the pain.
    I grab my phone and look to see a text from Brendon.
    I'm great, how are you babe?
    If I wasn't so hurt I would smile at the fact that he called me babe, but I just can't smile.
    I dial his number and rest the phone againsy my head, waiting desperately for him to pick up.
    "What's up babe?" His voice dulls the pain a little and more tears coat my eyes.
    "I-i love you." I sniffle, trying to breathe through my now stuffed up nose.
    "What's wrong?" He sounds frantic and his fear makes me uneasy.
    Loud footsteps sound through the hall again and fear shoots through me. Before my mom opens the door I hangup the phone and hide it under my body.
    "Who are you talking to??" She looks around angrily.
    "Noone. Im sorry mom." She looks around once more and looks appeased for the moment and leaves.
    My phone buzzes angrily against my back, causing me to cry out in pain. Brendon is going to be so mad at me.
    For once in my life I don't feel utterly alone after a beating although I technically am.
    Without moving from my spot on the bed, my eyes start to close and I let sleep over take me.
    Pulling the black hood of my jumper over my head I hang my head low and walk into the school.
    "Ryan?" Brendon's voice calls from behind me and I curse under my breath. He is the last person I want to see me like this.
    "Ryan, wait!" I pause and wait for him to catch up, my eyes still facing the floor. Truth is I'm terrified of what he will say when he sees the angry wound across my face.
    When he gets to me he pulls my head up and pushes the hood back. A gasp escapes his mouth as he sees what I was trying to hide.
    "I-i was so worried. I knew she did something! You can't go back there Ryan." His eyes glisten with tears as he grabs my arm lovingly. The sun shines off he ring I gave him and despite the situation, I can't help but to smile.
    "As long as I have you Brendon, everything will be alright." I smile and reach up, kissing him gently on the lips.
    "It will. But we should probably get you to the nurse cause that doesn't look too good." I nod and we both head down there, me carrying Brendon's books for him.
    Once we get there I gingerly walk into the office. The nurse smiles sadly at me as she pulls me to one of the tables.
    "How did this happen dear?" She asks and I look at Brendon.
    "I...i uh fell." She looks at me doubtfully and walks over to the phone. I can't hear what she is saying but her face scrunches in worry.
    "Ryan, I just called your mother. She is pulling you out of school?"
My heart picks up pace again as the thoughts of what will happen to me cliud my vision. I can't go home yet.
    "We need to get out of here." Brendon whispers in my ear and I nod my head.
"Please don't let me go home." I may have said that too loud.

love never dies (a ryden fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now