Bones Exposed

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Brendon's P.O.V

    I watch as Ryan runs from the school, a huge pain in my gut as tears start to run from my eyes.
    The people standing around me start to disperse back into their classrooms and leave me standing there, almost alone.

    Pete stands next to me, his hand awkwardly in between going to comfort me or going back to his side. His face is pained, as I'm sure mine is. He looks at me pitifully, but not the bad kind of pity, the best friend kind.

     I can't move, can't even think. The tears run steadily down my face as the events play over and over in my head. The cold crutches under my arms suddenly feel like a cage, keeping me from running after Ryan.

    What have I done? I've lost the only real friend I've ever had and over what? I don't even know, Ryan never told me.  Thoughts run through my head, attacking me with a painful vengeance. 
    "Brendon, come on. You need to go back to class buddy." Pete's voice breaks me from my trance and my eyes focus on him, stopping the awful thoughts from attacking again.

    At this point, I want nothing more than to run after Ryan, but then my parents would be called and they would worry, so my best bet is to stay in school. I nod to Pete and he shows a pained smile as he leads me back to the lunch room.

    I set my crutches on the side of the lunch table and sit down uncomfortably while everyone at the table watches me. So many emotions hang heavily on my chest that I feel as if I may explode. My appetite has totally disappeared and the sight of my burger makes me want to puke. 

    "What was that about?" My friend Chelsea says through a mouth full of fries, but I don't answer her, I can't. I barely know what happened myself, and I have no clue why it hit me so hard. The emotions still swirl around my body, creating a cocktail of emotions out of me.

    The rest of the day goes by painfully slowly as the thoughts keep attacking and the events keep replaying in my head. My teachers repeatedly try to get my attention, but it is to no avail, I've checked out. 

    "Brendon. Brendon" I look up as a punch lands on my arm, causing my day dreaming head to fall off my hand. Pete stands over me with all his books in hand and an annoyed look upon his face.

    "What the hell man? I've been trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes." I mutter a small sorry for him, not really feeling the apology. His face changes from angry to sympathetic in an instant.

    "Look man, I know you're heart broken, but it will get better. I mean I'm sure he's fine and everything." His hand rubs the back of his neck nervously which brings up the butterflies of nerves in my stomach. Ryan might not be ok, I didn't even think of that while I was so full of myself.

    "Pete, could you do me a favour?" Despite his worried look, Pete nods me on.

    "Can you drive me to Ryan's house so I can see if he's alright?" My tone comes out a little more desperate than I would have liked, but maybe I really am that desperate. Pete nods his head which kills a few of the butterflies in my stomach but also creates new ones.

    What is he's not alright? what if he's gone and I'm the reason?

    Pete helps me out of the school and into his car. I mute the radio and tell Pete the directions hurriedly, wanting to be at Ryan's house already. The trees flow by me in an endless blur of green as Pete speeds to Ryan's house. 

    "Here, I'll get your crutches." Pete offers me, but I wave him off and get out of the car despite his warnings. I really shouldn't be walking on my leg, but for Ryan, I would re-break it. Pete follows after me as I hobble to the front door.

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