caught in the act...of nothing

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    "Come here." I say and he slowly moves towards me, so there is still a good couple of inches between us. I move closer to him and pull him into a hug, which he doesn't return, he just sits there, stiffly. "Brendon? what're you doing?!"


    Without thinking, I pull my arms from around Ryan and force them down by my side, a blush creeping over my face. I look at Spencer and the embarrassed blush turns angry.

    "I was trying to make him feel better after YOU pushed him in the pool." Spencer looks taken aback for a second.

    "Really, because I seem to remember it as him tripping on his own feet." Spencer spits back and I can see that he's getting angry, but I still keep going.

    "You and I both know that he didn't fall in that pool accidentally. I don't know why you even deny it, everyone here saw you being a complete dick to Ryan the whole time." By the end of my rant, my voice has raised so much that I'm screaming.

    Ryan sits on the couch, his eyes facing the floor and his right hand rubbing rapidly up and down his left arm. Spencer sees me looking at Ryan and grabs my arm, pulling me to look at him

    "Why are you defending this freak?" Spencer screams back at me and that gives me pause.

    I have never heard Spencer talk like this and I'm not sure where my best friend has gone, but this surely isn't him. Before he would've easily helped defend Ryan against someone and now he is the one attacking.

    "Don't call him a freak." I spit as I shove Spencer to the ground and turn around to look at Ryan again.

    In the second I am distracted, Spencer gets up, spins me around and punches me square in the jaw. I stumble back but regain my balance in time to see him coming towards me, pure anger on his face.

    I punch him in the face before he can hit me again and he stumbles a bit, but grabs the end of the couch, regaining his balance. This time, his punch is harder and it sends me to the floor. My nose throbs and when I put my hand to it to try and stop the pain, my hand is wet. I pull it back to see red liquid covering my entire right hand.

    I get up from the floor and touch my throbbing lip. I feel the blood flowing from my nose and when I put my hand to my lip, that is also bleeding. I can't believe my supposed best friend did this to me.

    Deciding this has gone too far, I wipe my hand on my pants to rid it of the blood and offer it to Ryan. He refuses to take it and just starts rubbing his arms harder.

    I walk out of the room, just to find a towel or something to stop the bleeding with, but there is nothing in sight. Before I can go back into the room to get Ryan I hear screaming.

    "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" The sound of glass shattering echoes in the hall I'm in.

    Ryan comes rushing out of the room, tears freely flowing down his face and one hand gripping the other, crimson liquid dripping slowly down the sides.

    "Ryan, come here." My voice is clouded with emotion, confusion, anger, pain.

    He looks into my eyes and I can see the same emotions swimming in the pool of tears that is overflowing onto his face. I wipe the blood off my face again, not stopping the flow of it and offer Ryan my somewhat clean hand.

    "Here, I'll take you home," I say and he nods, refusing my hand and instead shoving the bleeding one in his pocket, wiping the other on his pants leaving a red streak.


    "Sorry about Spencer," I say to Ryan as I shove a tissue up my nose to try and finally stop the bleeding.

love never dies (a ryden fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now