Constant recovery

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Ryan's P.O.V

    My eyes open again after a few minutes of black to see Lizzie's face hovering over me. Worry etches lines in her forehead and her lips move and form words silently. After a few seconds, I can start to hear what she is saying again.

    "Ryan, we need to get you to the hospital." I sit up at her words and she supports my back with her arms. My brain throbs slightly and my lungs feel raw and painful. 

    "N-No." I try saying more, but this one word makes me cough again which infuriates my throat all over again.

    "I don't care what you say. We are going." She wraps my arm around her shoulder and stands from the bed. Having no other choice, I get up with her and walk next to her.

    I want to tell her that I can walk on my own, but I'm scared she will yell at me again so I jsut shut my mouth and walk beside her until we reach the outside door. She leads me to the car and places me in the passenger seat.

    I breathe slowly and shallowly as Lizzie gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. She says something to me, but I am not listening anymore. I'm more worried about what my mother is going to think of this.

    We all remember what happened last time I didn't come home. I can only imagine when she gets a phone call from the hospital saying I'm there. She would think I ratted on her, as if that is something I would do.

    "Ryan. Listen to me. You need to call Brendon and tell him to meet us at Saint Mercy's hospital." Fear creeps into my bones at her words. I can't tell Brendon I'm here, he will be so scared.

    "I can't...He's already worried." I see the hospital quickly approaching on my right and a chill runs up my spine. these places scare me beyond belief.

    Lizzie sighs and pulls into the cove in front of the ER and parks the car. She tries supporting me again  but I swat her hand away and walk out on my own. As much as I want to run away right now, to be anywhere but here, I know that she is right and I need to go.

    "Hi, how may I help you?" The nurse with bright red haired asks us with a candy sweet smile laced with poison.

    "He passed out earlier and while he was passed out, he coughed up some blood. He said he couldn't breathe." Lizzie's words are rushed and this is the first sign I've seen of her actually being scared and it terrifies me.

    The nurse's smile disappears and she pulls out a headset and places it on her head. She calls another nurse for a wheel chair and a doctor.

    While she is doing this, I cough a couple of times and look around the room. There must be at least 40 people here, all wait their turns and here I am, skipping the line because I passed out. It doesn't seem fair to me and as soon as I'm about to tell Lizzie that, a male nurse wielding a wheelchair comes out of the double doors.

    "Who is this for Debora?" The nurse at the counter points at me and I look down as the man wheels the chair over to me.

    "I need you to sit down in this, we are going to bring you to be seen." The guy's tone is pure sugar, the all natural kind, unlike the lady at the counter. 

    "I can't. All these people got here before me, I don't deserve to be seen first, I'm fine." I smile at him but he doesn't look very convinced.

    As I'm about to insist on going to sit in the waiting room, I cough again, this time, producing a bright red spot on my shirt. A few tears fall down Lizzie's face and the nurse looks panic stricken.

    "Please sir, sit down. You need to be seen now." This time, I don't even try to argue, I set down in the chair and close my eyes, embarrassment taking over.

love never dies (a ryden fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now